Would ya just look at what she brought me?
Remember a few weeks back I found some giveaway love from Lori at Wildflowers? I picked out this gorgeous necklace from Vintage Pearl stamped with my six kiddo's names. I know, right? Serious chic beauty for sure. Love it! Thanks again Lori. :)
Then my name magically jumped out over at Annie's Birdcages and Butterflies to win a set of her wooden blocks all pretty-fied and lookin' marvey! And her tags and card are so sah-weet! Check 'em out:

Each side of each block has neato stuff....like the birdie things, words, or seasonal images like below:

Aren't they the cutest? I'm displaying them on my bookshelves right now, but will prolly move them into the kitchen for the holidays....Thanks Annie!
And I made it to the Flea Market and Antique Show at my local Coliseum last night. Um, lots of sequined sweatshirts, bottles of cleaners, and knives. There were a few booths with collectables and antique-y type stuff actually worth looking at, but rather overpriced. I managed to only pick up the following two vintage soap advertisments from 1912 and 1914. Since I make soap, I thought they might looks cool framed in my cra(p)ft room.
And evidently, people actually read ads 'cause there was quite a bit of verbage on them. These days, there's maybe one sentence to 'grab' you. Or a picture of a slightly naked woman. *sigh*
I'm not sure it was even worth the $4 parking and $1 entrance fee. I certainly won't go again. The 'flea market style' represented wasn't the 'look' I'm going after, and didn't look anything like the lovely stuff I see at all the junker's sites I visit daily on my sidebar.
What a sweet necklace with your childrens names...Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
How cute is that necklace! I love that! I hate it when "flea markets" turn out like that...I'm finding a disappointing trend recently- it's becoming LESS and LESS cost-effective to make your own things or buy used/antiques. Bummer...
Those blocks are super cute! And the necklace, too...I wish I had your luck!
OMG I HATE HATE HATE those sequined sweatshirts. As if I am not fat enough, please roll me in sequins so I can look like a disco ball that fell out of the ceiling.
Your treasures are very cute though! Love the necklace! Sorry the coliseum was a cop out.
LOL!!! I'm laffing at the comment above mine. I hope I didn't wake my son up... your fault Farmhouse chick! :)
Ahhh the good ol' days of Sunday flea markets. Your comments took me right back there. Best thing about ours was the blue bus parked out front cuz they served up the best fries ever. Going back in the haunted buildings though was creepy.
That necklace... I'm dying. METAL. Hello?!? Blocks are so adorable too! Too bad they ain't orange, eh?
How lucky are you!! These are beautiful treasures and they have made their way to a good home. Congratulations!
Best wishes, Natasha.
Phew glad you got them safely!!didnt realise it would take so long to travel over the pond actually!!
Would love to see where you display yours..haven't seen where anyone has put theirs yet..one set has travelled to France this weekend!!! My blocks are becoming more
'travelled' than me!!!
Glad you like them hun
Annie x
Oh it is perfect!! I am so glad you love it ~ as I love it too. I am heading out to the "grand craft sale and flea market" here next week-end ~ I hope I come home with something other than cupcakes this year! Have a wonderful Sunday.
Oh my goodness....I LOVE your treasures.
I've been wanting to try my hand at some stamped jewelry. Can't be THAT hard right!?
Lucky you....
i've been to a couple of those "flea or vintage" markets that were a bit too commercial and obviously mass-produced (if that makes sense). you got wonderful gifts however!
I love the blocks...and of course the necklace is very sweet - congrats, lady.
And I can't *believe* you're not the sequined sweatshirt type. You totally had me fooled.
-maria ;)
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