
Glitterfied Christmas Mantel.

PSSSST...I'm no longer blogging here!
You can now find me at


I thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't heard.
(EDITED to add:  I liked this up to lots of other awesome parties listed at the end of the post.)
I brought my newly rehabbed fireplace.

I basically went to town with the glitter.  You may find it on your keyboard after reading this post.
 Just a warning. 

I also went to town with burlap and coffee filters.

I helped make Martha Stewart happy this season as I purchased almost the entire stock of her grey/blue ribbon and glitter at Michaels.  I made the Dollar Tree happy too.  They have some most excellent plastic snowflake ornaments that were also adorned with Martha's glitter.

Glittered trees were Pier 1 snags.  All the plastic eucalyptus came from Michaels, as did the glittered birds. Did ya know it helps to spray glittered crap with clear coat?  I said 'helps', not fixes.

Oh, and the chipboard letters came from Hobby Blobby, and got promptly glitterfied.

Crackled glass and pearly white ornaments, milkglass, and mini candle wreaths were mine from past Christmas decorating adventures.

That includes these birds too.

I stitched these stockings up over the last couple days.  It went just slightly better than last year's attempt.

The boys get a plain ribbon, the girls get ruffled ribbon.

Married kids get to share the stocking loot with their beloved.  Spouses also get glittered initials.

Ginormous green glass candle holders from Hobby Blobby on 80% off.  Go.
Aforementioned Dollar Tree Plastic Snowflakes glitterfied.

Not happy with these cone trees.  Bought white styrofoam, then tried to glitterfy them with Martha's aqua blue glitter.  Then I tried some more plastic snowflakes....and some irridescent beads.  Uh, fail.
And the feather tree looks nakey.  Well, what do you expect...it's only freaking Nov. 29th.

If you look close, you can see a paper towel roll spraypainted and cut into sections to prop up the crackled glass ornaments.  I'm a genius.  Under the Pier 1 trees are old lamp bases turned upside down and spraypainted.  The color was metallic champagne....perfect match to the silvery gold glitter.

Pretty views.  I used all kinds of lighting and non-lighting with these shots.  
 I was too tired to get the tree lamp out.

These are thrift store sconces I painted and glazed.  
Hubs hung them for me just minutes before I started the photo shoot.

Click here to see my Christmas mantel from last year.  It's just a wee bit different than this year.
If you want to read about the family room transformation (just a week old) click here.
Ye Olde 2011's Christmas Mantel is HERE.

Now go see the fabulous blogger's mantels at The Lettered Cottage (Nov. 30)
Or go see my entry at Rhoda's Christmas Vignette Party (Dec. 2) HERE 
Or go see my entry on Kate's Christmas Craft Party (Dec. 7) HERE
Or go see my entry at Sarah's Christmas Tree Party (Dec. 9) HERE
Advent Calendar Jars HERE
Front Porch Festifying HERE
Christmas 2009 HERE
Christmas 2011 HERE
Christmas 2012 HERE
Also linking to:
A Stroll Thru Life: Tabletop Tuesday
Blue Cricket Design Show and Tell and Mantel Linky
Between Naps on the Porch
Perfectly Imperfect Christmas Cheer Challenge
My Salvaged Treasures Christmas in July Linky


Kirsty said...

I love the glitter. But I must say, the living room is the best. I am so glad you stuck with it and finished it up! It looks amazing!!!! Good work guys!

Noble Vintage said...

LOOOOOVE it!!!! You are so creative. It all looks fantabulous!

Cassie Bustamante said...

that is the prettiest mantle i have seen, cindy! it is gorgeous, sparkly, and perfect colors! oh, how i wish i had a mantle.

Polly said...

Cindy you have totally outdone yourself!! It is gorgeous!! GORGEOUS!! You are so creative and crafty and clever!! Love the coffee filter wreath, love the stockings, love the oodles of GLITTER, love the colors! oh heck, I love it all!!

Unknown said...

looks beautiful! i love everything about it. great job!!

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

#1 - The fireplace is amazing! I can't believe it's the same one that I saw. Great transformation.

#2 - I love how you decorated! Cindy Lou who was no more than two - you are so incredibly creative and I feel ashamed of meself even logging on to your blog.

#3 - I have an appointment set up for the both of us. Brain transplant. I'll have yours - thanks.

The Charm of Home said...

Beautiful! It just sparkles and shines.:)

Jane said...

One word.....Stunning!!
I love how elegant it looks and the colors are fabulous!! It is beautiful.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

I love it all!! It is so, so, beautiful!!! I adore the ruffled trim stocking and your wreath is

Unknown said...

The glittered letters, coffee filter wreath and burlap stockings all give me goosebumps-beautifully elegant!

Celena said...

I was planning on trying the coffee filter wreath and burlap stockings this year! Those have been my favorite things to play with so far!! I hope they look half as good as yours when I'm done.

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Love your mantel. It is beautiful, soft, and sparkly...so elegant! Linda

Leo said...

Wow - your mantel came out great. I mean - just gorgeous. beautiful. I bet it looks amazing in person. Wow - I gotta get busy!!

Vickie said...

Cindy, you. are. amazing.

Turley Times said...

Everything looks so, SO beautiful. I NEED those green glass candle holders in my life. I haven't used this product so I can't personally vouch for it, but I read that Rustoleum textured metallic spray paint will give you the glitter look without the mess of having actual glitter everywhere. Might be something to try if you are tired of inhaling glitter dust. ;-) Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos!


Funky Junk Interiors said...

Oh my WORD Cindy! This is so fabulous! You've nailed the scale of your fireplace perfectly with that amazing wreath! Gorgeously glittery cottagy beautiful! :)


Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Omg Cindy! Fantastic, really really fantastic. I have not even started. But this sure does make me want to. You must be so excited decorating your new room!

Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking said...

It's GORGEOUS Cindy!!! Love it all... filters, burlap, glitter... just stunning!

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

Well that just looks perfect! It's so calm and peaceful even with all this glitter on my keyboard. ;) I love glitter too, so I'm with ya on that one.
You did a great job, it all looks beautiful.

Debra Howard said...

The more I see your gorgeous fireplace the more convinced I am to redo mine too. I use the same colors to decorate with and I can already see it. Your decorations are great by the way.

Unknown said...

Very, very pretty, Cindy. Glittery perfect. Love the soft colours. The newly painted fireplace deserves some cottage glam.

InMyOwnStyle said...

Hi Cindy-

First up - I love your holiday header. Second - It's a winter wonderland on your mantel. How festive and pretty. I love the way you used the color scheme and added all the different textures - shiny glass and burlap, plus glitter. I bet it looks wonderful at night with the lights off and candle sconces burning.
My best- Diane

Kristin @ Yellow Bliss Road said...

I love it!!! It's beautiful and sparkly...gorgeous!!!

Andrea said...


Suzanne said...

So pretty -- I just love the effervescent look of it all!

Leigh Ann said...

Simply Stunning!

Leanne said...

Your mantel is glittery gorgeous! I'm really into glitter this year too. There's just something magical about it at Christmas time. I'm not sure hubby's loving it as much as me though. Glitter on his jeans isn't his thing. Oh well, he can live with it through December.

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

This is the "look" I've been going for in my living room! I love the mix of aqua, silver, burlap, white, glitter, glitter and more glitter. I can see now that I need to go make some major adjustments in my living room! Thanks for all of the fabulous ideas (and the tip about the clear coat... that glitter really does travel).

NanaDiana said...

Cindy-rella! WOW-Like WOW! Not only is the mantle entirely different; the whole room has changed this year! GREAT job! I LOVE all your glitter and tinsel-town thingys! You are surely the glitter queen of BlogLand this week! Uhh..when I use toilet paper rolls I usually paper them! Spray painting is such a good idea. I have also used them for poppers....NOT POOPers- POPPers. Your wreath is fantabulous..but you already know that! Wanna come help me out? I gotta work this week...an I broke my toe...an I gotta cold...an Mr.Reluctant is NOT much help...an...need I go on? Okay...I see you didn't buy a ticket yet to come help so guess I will just re-read your blog and sigh with envy and then pout for a while. okay.bye. Diana;>)

Mrs Bishop said...

Well, I'm glad there's someone out there as passionate about glitter as I am! :-) This is beautiful!

cheryl said...

Cindy..it's BEAUTIFUL!!!! I just showed my hubby and he said for me "not to get any ideas!" WHAT is that all about?? ;) After my kitchen re-do, he's hoping to hibernate this winter! Yeah...right! Ha! Hope to see you soon!
p.s. I have the set of Martha's glitter. I did 1/2 glittered acorns last Thanksgiving. You've given me good ideas here! No glitter sprarkles like Martha's!!

Chrissie said...

Truly amazing! This is the most beautiful mantle I have seen so far this year! Gorgeous, I love everything about it!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

It's gorgeous!!! And I think I got glitter in my eyes looking at it. Thanks! And I love, love, love the stockings. I totally got glittered initials to hang from my stocking too. I guess great minds think alike. Except that your stockings are done & mine are not.

DanielleisNesting said...

The colors and presentation is gorgeous.

Momma Button said...

Cindy, this is absolutely gorgeous! I'm still trying to decide what to do with mine. My DH may not be happy with me after looking at yours.....

Sara S. said...

I love the glitter! This makes me really wish I HAD a mantle to decorate!

Rose @ Confessions of a Curbshopaholic said...

What a gorgeous arrangement! I love it all!! Having some serious stocking envy there. hmmmm, maybe I need to pull out the old blue monster sewing machine again? I'll have to blame it on you if I do! ;)
Oh, and what's this? is that glitter under my fingernails? Why, it IS coming thru the keyboard! lol

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless... doesn't happen very often. Wow, just beautiful! I love the coffee filter wreath hanging in front of the mirror. The burlap stockings with the initials are tres magnific!

Enjoyed the eye candy :)


Kom Achterom said...

HA Cindy
What a beautiful colours!! love it!! so nice with your fireplace!
love the hole decoration!
happy week

Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy said...

Everything is just gorgeous! Love how the boys and girls stockings were just a bit different! The letters on them are adorable, too! Very magical!

Mandy said...

OMG!!! I have mantel envy!!!! wow wow wow..well done you!! I would sit looking at it all day everyday!!

hugs mandyxx

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Oh girl, I am doing some serious drooling here....I have drool and glitter all over my keyboard! LOL.

I love your mantel and everything on it. I want it.


Simple Daisy said...

It looks completely fabulous!!!!!

Custom Comforts said...

What a transformation your mantel/fireplace has taken in such a short time. Everything is just gorgeous! I don't know how everyone gets so much done. I'm still finishing up school work and raking leaves. I'm so envious ~ I'd rather be decorating.

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

It is so pretty and reminds me of a snowy christmas! I love the ornaments on the milk glass - clever!

Charity said...

Cindy, this is the most beautiful mantel I have seen. Great job!!!!! When I posted my mantel the other day I mentioned that I was looking for beaded leatter so Santa would know what staocking belonged to what person. I had now thought of glitter, I may have to copy you!!!!!

Thank you for inspiring me, always

Cha Cha

Laurie at Turner Farm said...

I agree ~ best mantel I've seen. Fabulous Cindy ~ Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Cindy, I think Martha would be proud. Now, come do mine, hehe : )

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Wowzers...absolutely stunning!

Libby said...

Love your color combination. Looks so sparkly and festive! And a good job on the stocking. Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

Claudia said...

Cindy, I am in awe! It looks simply gorgeous! And I still can't get over the change in the fireplace. You must feel like you have a whole new room! Fabulous, fabulous job, friend.


Tammy said...

You did it. You glitterfied the world girl...Martha owes you her thanks as you kept her in the black this year..hee hee
Looks great- really and I think you did a smashing job on the stockings.

Lesa said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!!

Richella Parham said...

Good heavens, Cindy. You are amazing. Fantastic. Wonderful. A miracle worker, almost. Okay, maybe not a miracle worker, but awfully close! You've done wonders with that fireplace--I know you must be so proud!! Heck, I'm proud for you!

Southern Fried Gal said...

Gorgeous! I love the mix of bling and natural. That's what I'm going for this year but in traditional colors. I love your color palette.

Anonymous said...

Stunning! It's elegant and warm and "real people" all at the same time! Sit back with a warm cup of something yummy and enjoy all your hard work!

Lindy said...

Very, very, very pretty. I love all the glitz and glitter! Well done!

Kori@Strawberrie Hearts said...

So, so pretty!!

Lani @ Diaper and Divas said...

SO stunning! Love the glittered letters in lieu of traditional embroidery on the stockings! Great job!

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

gorgeous! love the stockings and wreath best.


michelle said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!! You have such a beautiful fireplace and you decorated is perfectly!!

Rachelle said...

Oh goodness! It's BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, amazing. I just bookmarked you so I can stalk the rest of your blog tonight.. :)


Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Okay, where do I even start? It's all so beautiful. First let me say, I have those same candle sconces. I bought them at the thrift store and painted them turquoise. They're hanging in my dining room. I haven't been able to find candles to fit in them though. The wreath is gorgeous and the ribbon going up to the ceiling...GENIUS. I wish I had thought of that. The large green candle holders are beautiful! I have never seen anything like them. It's safe to say that I love everything. It's all gorgeous!

Pam Kessler said...

You are a genious. Love all the glitter. Unfortunately glitter and I normally get in fight and the glitter wins every time.

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

Your mantle looks fresh and happy. LOVE your stockings. You did a very beautiful job!

Vanessa@decor happy said...

So glam - love the stockings!

Anonymous said...

Is it a sin if I say that I covet your mantel and btw...love the room makeover!
I may have to craft-lift some of what I see here!
Thanks bunches for sharing

terina @ goddessofmycottage

Beth said...

Oh. My. Goodness!!! This is crazy good! I've facebooked and tweeted it and I'll shout it from the rooftops, "fabulous mantely goodness found here". Cindy, seriously you've outdone yourself and I ADORED last year's mantel. I think I now feel some mantel inadequacies coming on. This is just too good.

Lettered Cottage said...

Love, love, love it!


nest of posies said...

i have a serious crush on your stockings! with the glittered initials ~ fabulous.

such a gorgeous mantel.

have a beautiful day!

Kristen said...

WOW! I can't decide what I like best - the glitter or the stockings? It looks stunning.

Dana and Daisy said...

very creative use of all the materials!

Arabella said...

I just love it all and want to come live at your house!!

Happy Holidays!

Tania Pelletier said...

Oh, it's beautiful Cindy! I'm sure yours will be one of my top favorites but I'm heading over to check all the rest! We just got a Hobby Lobby in our town and I haven't had a chance to get over there yet :(


Cecilia said...

Holy Molie!! Gorgeous!! I want your fireplace.

Marianne said...

It is gorgeous. It really does your new mantelplace proud!!
You sure have been busy.

GwendolynKay said...

This is one of the most beautiful Christmas mantles I have seen. All your glittified , hard work paid off. Martha would be so proud.
I am having a giveway , come have a peek.

philben5 said...

Love your letters on the stockings! Very beautiful and timeless.

Anonymous said...

Drooling here. It is GORGEOUS!!!!

Merritt said...

Gorgeous! I love brown and blue and I'm a sucker for glitter too!

cupcakes for breakfast said...

1 word STUNNING! You did an amazing job...Thanks for sharing...

Sandy @ Cottage Style Decorating said...

I love the silver, white and aqua color scheme and all the glitter. I usually go with Christmas red, but just might try this next year.

Wendy said...

This is the most beautiful mantle ever! I was drooling. lol Seriously, the colors are what I have and love so much. Alas, we just moved from our home with a mantle and don't have one now. So sad. I am CRAZY about everything you've done. I wish I had your stockings! Ours are red and green (not my palette at all anymore), so I don't want to use them. I don't sew, but maybe someone can make some similar to yours for me. Well done, girl! :)

Jenn said...

I love the color palette!! so creative...

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Wow, Cindy, I just love, love your mantel! Girl, you did a great job pulling all those glittery things together. Looks fab! Really great job. I have some of those crackled ornaments too & love them. your entire mantel looks so soft & pretty.

i'm not sure I've been by to see you before, I must go and look around! thank you for stopping by to see me.

Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

I think both sets of stockings are adorable (was just stalking your last year's post). Although HOW in the WORLD did you sew six!?!?

One was hard enough for me... :)

P.S. Love the glitter!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful!

kinga @ blueloom said...

Your mantel is absolutely beautiful. So festive! I love the glass candle holders.
Nice blog, came here through Rhoda's twitter post.

KayC. said...

Love your mantel. And if your haven't thought about it and if it is possible you should add tea lights (real or battery operated) to your milk glass that is in the middle of your mantel(with the stars on them). It will add a nice glow to it. Have great Christmas!

Honey I'm Home Blog said...

This is so gorgeous! No wonder you have 90 comments about it. Thanks for sharing this eye candy & creative Christmas color scheme with us!

Warmly, Michelle

Christine said...

You did a beautiful job here! Enchanting and stunning!

Shaunna said...

Beautiful! I love all the glitter and the soft color! -shaunna :)

{lauren} said...

Beautiful! Love the colors you used and the wreath:)

BonjourRomance said...

Just found your beautiful blog via Frenchy. Your mantle looks marvelous - great job with the glitter!
I'm a new follwoer and will be back again soon.
Have a good week,

Kelley - a very JunqueyGal! said...

Holy spray paint & glitter! You rock - I mean sparkle! Lovely!

Stacy said...

you have done it again! so gorgeous. love, love the stockings and the glittery touch with the initials is great! i'm saving this for idea's for next year. i'm always a year behind! :) by the time i get around to making one of those cool coffee filter wreaths everyone else will have moved on to other madly creative things! :)
anyway, your mantel rocks!

Kristen said...

I love you mantel! We must be on the same wave length, same colors, only my coffee filter wreath is hung in another room! :) I love your stockings - they look perfect!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely STUNNING! I love all of it! Your fireplace is amazing! Love the colors!

Sue said...

Amazing glitter, ice, and shine! Love all the bling, even those cardboard tubes as ornament holders! LOL The look is so clean, contemporary, and just too cool. Cute stockings, too!! The accent of the blue is perfect.
~ Sue

Heidi said...

I'm simply adoring your cute stockings. Love the glitter letters.

Brenda Pruitt said...

It's absolutely beautiful! All of it! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wow I feel like I have failed at decorating! You made it look so lovely and effortless! I might need to go back to the drawing board! It really is gorgeous! Traci

Donna said...

Wow, wow, wow! Just stunning! I love all of the glitter and glitz! The milk glass looks perfect, love your wreath, too! Actually I love it all, now you just need to do my mantle:)

Kathysue said...

Love, love your mantle the soft color pallete is stunning. I say you can never have enough glitter at Christmas, the more the better. WE all need a little sparkle in our lives. Kathysue

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Cindy, this is AWE.SOME!! LOVE IT!! You know I am a glitter freak too and I adore your glittery-ness! The wreath!! SO pretty! And the AFTER of this room is just Stunning!! What a transformation!

Great job!

Lou Cinda

Ashley C. said...

First time visiting - you are hilarious! Consider me a new follower. Great mantel!

Amy @ 11Magnolialane said...

You have great style...you have all my favorite things, glitter, burlap and blue satin ribbon and it works perfectly. Amazing job. I am so glad I stopped by!

Blue Creek Home said...

Love your mantel - love the gray!
Love the milk glass with the ornaments - Love the eucalyptus - Love the stockings! Love it all!

Thanks for the glitter tip and the glitter! I just sprayed my keyboard with clear coat so that it will stay glittery all year long!

Molly said...

Perfection...I love every glittery, blue, burlap, silver, milkglass bit of it. Your pictures are stunning too. I love the letters on the stocking and how the spouses' initials hang off those of the beloved. Truly spectacular. You got skills!!

{oc cottage} said...

Gooooooooooooorrrgeous! LOVE that wreath!!

m ^..^

Kate said...

You are ROCKIN the HOUSE with your fab Mantle for the holidays. Such a beautiful inspiration you are to me. Love you


lucysinspired said...


BeingBrook said...

So PRETTY! Love. It really is all fabulous but I especially love all the glitter and the coffee filter wreath is FABULOUS!

Erin @ Two Story Cottage said...

WOW. Period. :)

Jen said...

Love the wreath and the stockings and the colors and the letters...Gorgeous!

ArtfullyJune said...

What a beautiful display.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Now THAT is a gorgeous mantle!! I'm a wee bit jealous... ;o)

Lisa Glowacka said...

wait wait wait. did you make that wreath? if so how? :)

1 Funky Woman said...

Dang girl and look how many comments? This is fantastic I love it! The more glitter the better! Please tell us how you made the wreath I am in love! I linked up and now I am a happy follower! Please stop on over!


Kelly said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Your mantle is STUNNING! The colors are so soothing and serene! I just LOVE IT!!!

Unknown said...

Love it, Cindy! You've just proven that you can never have too much glitter! Great color choices, too. Be sure to enter my giveaway, sweetie...you'll love it!


Megan Lee said...

Wow! Your mantle is amazing! I love the color palette and the use of milkglass. Such great ideas!

Maggie Lamarre said...

oh wowee I luv luv the mantle wish I had a mantle :)
Visit me sometimes at

Desiree said...

So gorgeous!

" SHABBY JUNK" said...

Everything is glitter great,,,, but that coffee filter wreath is to die 4!

Jenni said...

I love the wreath! And all the blue accents. Lovely.

House of White

Jenn said...

Gorgeous! I love the wreath ... and the big sparkly Christmas tree :)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Absolutely Gorgeous! After seeing all this, I think I need to get busy around my place.
You did a great job!!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! Very creative touches throughout and I love that you used varying heights for visual interest. It keeps the eye wandering. I love the stockings and the glittered initials for the family. Stockings are my kids favorite things to open Christmas morning and they are grown. ;) Thanks for sharing and I love how it all turned out.

Gina said...

I love it...it's gorgeous!

Your mantel sold me, now I guess I'll have to become a follower. :)

Roeshel said...

Cindy, your mantel is the most beautiful magical mantel I've seen so far. I love the sparkle!


Christine {Pure Joy} said...

This has got to be the best looking mantel I've seen. Loving the stockings. I'm your newest follower.

Unknown said...

Yours is my favorite of all the mantel's on The Lettered Cottage Linky Mantel post. I may have to snagg a few ideas from you!!

Where did you find, or did you make, the white wreath? Tips to share?

Thanks! and Merry Christmas!

Karyn said...

You've convinced me to make a coffee filter wreath! You have just made it look so beautiful that I can't fight it anymore :)Your mantel is beautiful. I've saved many pictures to my idea file.

Becca's Dirt said...

I am so in love with your mantle. It looks so elegant and yet casual with the burlap stockings.

Shannon said...

Your mantel is beautiful! I especially love your wreath! Did you make it yourself? If so, did you post a tutorial?

Unknown said...

Awesome job, your mantel looks fabulous, I wish I had one to decorate!

Scribbler said...

I still cannot get over the transformation of that fireplace. Your holiday decs are absolutely gorgeous. I too bought out HL -- those big green glass things -- but I have made fake mercury glass of them. If I get it together by the end of the weekend, I will post!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite Holiday Mantel in [Blogland], as y'all say. FINALLY, glitter! Burlap & Glitter = Organic Glamour. Now, that's what I'm talking about! Loving the beak on that bird, and stocking initials, not to mention stocking sharing. Yes, you are a genius. I'm bookmarking Cottage Instincts.

Sarah AKA The Thriftress said...

Your decor is right up my alley. I LOVE glitter and I am going to clear coat everything soon. That's a great idea!

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Everything is just gorgeous!!!
Blessings~~~ Daphne

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS Cindy!! I am loving that wreath and all the glittered and pretty details!! Your room was beautiful already... even more so with all it's holiday decor!! :)

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

I came back to ogle your mantel again....hands down my very favorite!!! Yours and Rhonda at Blue Creek Home! Stunning!!!

Look at you with 144 comments! You Rock girl!

But seriously, this is so beautiful! I wouldn't take it down after Christmas...just leave it up all year! It's THAT pretty!

Lou Cinda ")

Debra@CommonGround said...

Just gorgeous, the sparkle almost blinded me!!LOL! Your fireplace looks fab and love your color scheme, Great stockings too! Thanks for linking up with VIF!

Object of Maya*ffection said...

I L O V E your mantle! I think it looks stunning (and I am a more is more girl too). Thank you for also identifying and admitting that sometimes we feel like less...as I sit here that's EXACTLY how I feel....When I get home from my shop I am going HO(G)LIDAY WILD!!

Pieced Pastimes said...

Your mantel is just lovely! Everything looks wonderful! My favorite part is the burlap stockings and how you added the ribbons and letters. Very pretty!

Amy Kinser said...

Your mantel looks so pretty and sparkly. Lovin it all!!!

Those stockings are great and I love that big ribbon hanging down.

You rocked it girl!!

Deb said...

Just beautiful Cindy...I love it! Your fireplace looks so awesome painted and your stockings are super sweet...love them too! ~Deb~

Nita Stacy said...

How pretty that coffee filter wreath is! Love the burlap stockings too. Love the color palette. Oh...and I love Christmas changes you made to your header.

Traci said...

Very pretty!!! Love the colors! I feel your pain on the styrofoam tree. I tried that one year & rolled the whole thing in glitter. It looked....for one year. It had an unhappy ending with a trash can after that. Some things are just meant to buy.

Shaunna said...

Yep. Still as gorgeous as the first time I saw it. I think I've decided the stockings with the tied monograms are my favorite part. LOVE it all! Thanks so much for linking it to the Christmas SFS challenge! -shaunna :)

Decor To Adore said...

What a completely adorable wreath ~ I love it!

Have a Happy Labor Day.

Stephanie Ann said...

Does anyone know where the letters came from?? I love them but haven't seen those in particular.

WelltoDo said...

so glam—love it!!!


Denae said...

I adore your new fireplace mantle. I am in the process of redoing my brick fireplace. It has a matching dinky brick mantle. I think a new wood wrap around mantle will look GREAT.

Brit said...

Lovely living room! I love your blog and I have found so much inspiration for decorating my own home! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas! I want to have these stocking made because I don't know how to sew, and I was wondering if you have a pattern?

Unknown said...

STUNNING! I am in awe. Just beautiful!

Natasha Mairs - Serenity You said...

so beautiful!!!

Hi, Just to let you know that i have featured your gorgeous stockings on my blog

Natasha xxx


farmhousetohome said...

I am dying over those stockings! Everything looks amazing!

Tiffany said...

the power of GLITTER! :)
I knew about spraying your glittered crap, I just never get around to doing it...
LOVE the birds and the stockings!

Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said...

Everything looks so beautiful. I love all the glitter and the colors you chose.

Anonymous said...

I have the exact same "goblet" as you have!!! I just found mine at a thrift store recently. :) I use mine for my makeup brushes.

Little Miss Penny Wenny said...

I'm in love! Do you by chance have a tut for the stockings,

Unknown said...

I mean, you just have so much guts to go ahead and tell it like it is.

Nanotech Patent Agent

J's mom said...

Just stopping by to let you know I featured this project on this round-up
http://diycraftyprojects.com/2012/12/50-beautiful-christmas-wreath-ideas-and-insperation-collection.html :)

Feel free to grab a featured button from my side bar.

Unknown said...

win a lottery

Angie @ Knick of Time said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful, glittery space at the Christmas in July link party - I'm sharing it on the Knick of Time FB page!

Angie @ Knick of Time

Unknown said...

STUNNING Cindy!!!!!!!
Where's the pine cones though???
Inside joke everyone :)

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Wow, your mantel is stunning, right down to every little detail. I adore those burlap stockings with the glitter initials. Pinning those! Thanks for sharing at the Christmas in July party.


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