
Winter Visitors....

Bogart was whining at the back door this afternoon....nothing unusual 'bout that. I finally let him out, trying to see the scary squirrel he needed to chase. I saw nothing at first...but then I saw the slightest movement.  And Bogart stood stock still.  He'd never seen such enormous squirrels in his life, and I believe he was a bit taken aback.
Can you see them? Try clicking to enlarge the pictures.

Now can you see them?

Those are some honkin' big squirrels!!!

And they were in a pack of 5...loveliness for a dull winters' day.

Here's a wee video I got as they were bouncing away.  I'm counting this as a White Wednesday post because of their cute little white fluffy tails. 
Sue me.


Junkie Gems said...

That was great fun to see. Thank you so much for sharing!

deb said...

LOL! Poor Bogart! No wonder he was shocked! Love deer! Thank you SO much for sharing. Made my night!

DustyLu said...

Thats scary. There big. Funny. Poor Bogart. He looks tuff though. Lulu

Marianne said...

Oh how beautiful! I would start to sit by my window all the day if there was a change I'd see some deer. Lucky lady you are! And yes this so counts for White Wednesday!

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Deer look so pretty out like that....I cringe when I see them on my property though, cause of the garden...you are having fun with that new camera aren't ya darlin?

Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

LOL... I can imagine Bogart...
Please let him know that I am laughing with him and not at him. Giggle.

My dogs would have gone NUTS!!!

Marigene said...

White tails are so beautiful...one of nature's wonders.

www.thewhitefarmhouse2.blogspot.com said...

Loving the pics. I love seeing deer and sand cranes in our yard.

I tried to respond to your email. No rush on the soap, I knew you would send it. I'm hoping to go in February too. It sounds like a fun time! I'm going to make a night of it though. Drive there on Saturday and then do some shopping on the way back home. My evil plan! I will rule the world.... someday. For now I am back to cleaning!

Nicole said...

thanks for posting!! beautiful winter pictures. lol whenever I say squirrel around my puppy her ears perk up and her head lifts, like she's got radar for them! its hilarious:)

Kimberly said...

So fun to see! We have an abundance of wildlife in our backyard, namely a momma deer and her babies every year. Isn't nature marvelous? :)

Julie said...

lovely, almost seems surreal doesn't it? This year we had the most deer sightings ever in our neighborhood. When we walked the dogs late at night, they just would go coconuts when we saw some. Saw a doe several times with her spotted twins. Just beautiful. Makes me feel like I could just for a moment be out in the quiet and distant countryside... keep dreaming i say...

Melanie said...

What a lovely sight. That would make my blah winter day feel a whole lot brighter.

Unknown said...

Just beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

I had to look very hard to see them in the first picture, what great camoflage they have.
That must have made your day to have such beautiful creatures visit your yard.
Thanks for sharing.

Faded Charm said...

This is a great post and of coarse the tails are white and also the snow. This is a common sight out our windows. They are beautiful, but the problem is our dog is so used to them he doesn't chase them anymore. They are not so cute when they are eating all your flowers.

Thanksfor sharing.



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