
I did it without my hubby. Or protective gear.

Here's where I linked up this week.....

 Whitney and Ashley's place
 Transformation Thursday at Gina's
Thrifty Thursdays at Tales from Bloggeritaville
 Creative Cats at Poppies at Play 
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home 
Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous 
Get R Done Friday at Angela's
Metamorphosis Monday at Susan's  
Knock Off Knock Out Monday with Cheri
DIY Day at Kimba's
Trash to Treasure at Reinvented 
.....Whew!  Hold on tight.  Here we go.

I found these sah-weet cabinet doors for $2 each at our local Habitat for Humanity ReStore....solid wood.  Held on to them for a bit, contemplating what I'd transform them into.  Ah, I know!  (that's a little tease because I'm not tellin' till later.) Today we'll focus on the two doors with no centers....in the center....the other two will be ready for a reveal in a week or so. Maybe.

So....raise your hand if you know what color I (spray)painted them?  Ding ding ding...Heirloom White by Rustoleum.  Not too warm, not too cold, just right, said Goldilocks.

Took some gritty sandpaper to the edges to cause them some (di)stress.  Do they make prozac for wood?

Now they're all soft and rounded on the sides...kinda like me after birthing 6 kids. Hmmmm.

Got me some foam board, used my handy dandy notebook  quilters doo hickey that I've never made a quilt with to measure and cut it to fit the insets. Not really a power tool, but go with me here.

See?  I cut it with my rotary thing.  I amaze even myself sometimes.

Next up is the ever-annoying roll of cork.  Measured and cut it to size, then hot glued it around the sides to the foam board.  Then used some supposedly awesome glue that will let guys hang by their hardhat from a beam over a sound stage and attempted to glue it into the cabinet door's inset.  Um, yeah. Went back to my trusty glue gun.

Yes, I know they're cute.  They're even cuter because they already have sticky backs.  These were foraged in the deep forests of Hobby Lobby in the unfinished wood section.

Ta Da!  Corkboards I made with my own two hands and my credit card (which is, come to think of it, quite the power tool).  We'll use these in my dining room where the kids do their homework to hang reminders and papers they're proud to display for all to see while munching on grub.

I'm pretty happy with them.

Much better than big box store versions, eh?

Other gals used bigger tools and made cooler stuff, so get on out there to the parties, but leave me some love in the comment section first.  And consider being a follower because, well, where else can you get such talent and beauty in one place?  *rolling eyes*


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I like your blog. Makes me feel peaceful. That was creative stuff you did. Like it.

-A friend

Love the Decor! said...

Those are adorable!!

www.thewhitefarmhouse2.blogspot.com said...

I swear that we were sisters in a previous life or something. Cute post and what an awesome project! Love the way that it turned out. Just to let you know that hammer is mine! Just kidding!

Heidi said...

those are great! can you make one for me too?

Sheri said...

I gave you an award . . . http://sherific.blogspot.com/2009/10/aaww-shucks.html

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Those turned out fabulous! Very "green" to re-use the cabinet doors. My boys would love those!

Annette said...

Too cute! I love the letters!

Infarrantly Creative said...

Great job. Those letters are cute I have never seen those before. Came over from Shanty 2 Chic

Embellished Bayou said...

Great project, they look super!

Shanty 2 Chic said...

Hi Cindy! What a cute idea with the little letters!!!! Those look fabulous....I would love some for my boys!!!!! Thanks for linking up and all of your sweet reminders to your faithful followers about our party! ~Ashley

deb kaufman said...

hope you don't get tired of me always saying the same thing, but you ARE a genius. your creative gifts amaze me. is next week still good for you. i can do wed. but thurs or fri are better.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

CUTE corkboards. Great job!!

Barbara Jean said...

Those turned out great.


barbara jean

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy. These turned out great. And I really enjoyed the tutorial. Great job.

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Wonderful redo on the cabinet doors!

KellyH said...


Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Your's is LOVELY! Oh my goodness, can't wait til I have the time to really have a good look see.

{northern cottage} said...

Stinkin Cute!!!

Shanty 2 Chic said...

Ok! Your post so made me laugh!! My credit card is quite the power tool as well... it just runs out of power too quickly;) LOVE how these turned out!! May need to copy this one! Thanks for linking up!!

Design A-Peele said...

great work!

Old Time Cindy said...

First time visit with you. Great job. I'll be back. Thanks for sharing!
Living it up at Lakewood,

Anonymous said...

Oh those are darling!!! Now I'll have to add to my long list. LOL

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Wonderful project...looks fab!!

Christopher Harvey said...

The hubby would only have messed it up. Great job and a great post.

rebekahweckerly@gmail.com said...

Oh wow!!! these turned out great!!!!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Oh...wow! I laughed reading the "what color is it", answered it my head before I completed the sentence! Of course it is heirloom white! And those letters, I need some of those myself.

Leanne said...

Those look amazing and I love those letters. I am impressed. Thanks for sharing your great talent to make things beautiful. Thanks for visiting my site. I think a banner for Christmas would look great. I'm wondering if there might be some cute things out there for Thanksgiving too. I'll start looking.

Dawn said...

Those are great! Kid friendly and mother approved~to fit her style!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Oh wow! Good for you! These are great!!!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Woah, you go girl with the pink hammer! Those boards RAWK! They have so much character to them (perhaps it is the characters) but I love love love those! Smart girls with tools.....always cool and creative! Great work! Love that treasure! Thanks for linking up, friend!
Tales from Bloggeritaville

Room to Inspire said...

Very cute - love how you personalized each board. This is my first time on your blog and it is great.


Kimmy said...

I absolutely LOVE this!!! Who would have thought from those old cabinet doors would come these cuties!! Thanks for sharing

Ashley's Thrifty Living said...

oh I love these! What a great idea!

Ally's Corner said...

Wow those turned out really cute!!!
Great Idea!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just so love the ReStore?? I love going there. Your boards look great--very cute and functional.

Pat Harris said...

What a great idea! One of my friends uses scrabble pieces for letters. I'm anxious to see how you use the rest of the doors. Thank you for dropping in at Junkblossoms! Hope you'll come back. I know I'll be back here!!

Joyce said...

Oh so clever!

Hootin Anni said...

You go girl!!! That is one amazing finished product. And it means so much, being so personal. Love it.

My Show n Tell is another craft project I just finished this week.

Have a glorious weekend.

ClassyChassy said...

Cute idea - thanks for adding it to GET R DONE FRIDAY. Looks like a fun project!

girl meets carpenter said...

It's all so cute! I love those letters!! Great idea!

Andy Porter said...

oooh!! I love what you've done!! Really!! How cute and your kids are going to love their own personalized boards!! I really like this project! Thanks for the link today!!
~Andy @ Poppies @ Play

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

How nice and useful! I need to find me some corkboars to make something like yours. Love the names at the top!

Michelle said...

I think your bulletin boards are wonderful! Stop by for a visit soon!

Angela said...

Love your pink hammer! lol You did a fantastic job on making those cork boards! I'm sure your kids will love them!

Get R Done Friday's!

trish said...

What a fabulous idea. I had my husband come in to look at this! :o)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What a great project {and I have a little nephew named Samuel}! I just saw those letters myself today at Michael's ~ the round ones and scrabble tile ones.

Cindy said...

Those are adorable! You are quite the party girl...you must hold the record for linking! ; ) I'm so happy you joined in on Show and Tell!

Its So Very Cheri said...

Those are adorable. I absolutely love them.

Signing Out said...

What a great project! Well done!


~Country Lady~ said...

Great work!! Love this idea.

Lorna ~ Lace and Ivy Cottage said...

Cindy, What an inspiration you are! Looks like something you'd spend a lot of $$$ for at a designer boutique. Nice job!

Unknown said...

Great job, they are tooo cute. Thanks for the inspiration.

Shirley said...

Love your blog! First time here, don't know how I've missed it!! Your cork boards are fantastic and such a great tutorial!! I'm a follower now : ))

Anonymous said...

What fun! Great ideas. I will be a new follower. Thanks for sharing your humor and talent.


Anna said...

what a great idea. I love those little wooden letters -it's on my list for next time at Hobby Lobby!

Suzy said...

Well I'm duly impressed! Great job..and very creative. :-)

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Fabulous!!! I want one now.

Phyllis @Around the House said...

Love the cork boards with the names on top, just so creative and I also love working with the cork, it is so easy to use on so many projects...I am a new follower to see whats next...come visit

Cecelia---Sis---Mom said...

These are just too cute. I have got to make it to our ReStore.


Kim Gillian said...

That's a great idea. Too cute!! This is the first time I visited your blog, I've really enjoyed it.

Julie said...

Those look amazing ... what a great job you did...

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

They look great! You could sell those on ebay or etsy!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

I love these! I went to Hobby Lobby last week and I didn't even see those cute "typewritter" keys. I must go back and get some. Thanks for the great inspiration!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Cindy...

What a fabulous idea for repurposing those great wood cabinet fronts! I love the cork boards...especially love the cute lettering that you made the names with! Thank you for sharing your project with us...love this idea!!!

Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Dresser Girl said...


Dresser Girl said...

How cool and what a GREAT job!! (Oh and I use all my "quilters" tools for non-quilting stuff - I've never made a quilt in my life!)

Unknown said...

I so need a rotary cutter! The boards turned out great! I love the letters!


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