
Thrifting. Also known as hoarding.

PSSSST...I'm no longer blogging here!
You can now find me at


Seriously, I shoulda had my mom-in-law take a picture of me and my overflowing cart before she left.  I would've been embarrassed to be seen with me.  Don't think about that too hard like I just did.

Hit the ReStore first, fueled up with some coco-freeze thing at a coffee shop, then attacked the Salvation Army Thrift.  I didn't even get pictures of everything I got, but suffice it to say, there weren't no room left in the Honda after I was thru.

Here's a rundown.....

'Nother smallish milkglass vase, a wee bowl to match the vintage dishes I've been trying to collect, and a beautifimus brown transferware platter.  All these pretties are also resting on a white linen hemstitched table topper I snagged for 60 cents on the dollar.  Yep.


And one o'these:

For sitting these three pretties on:

Again, love.

More ever-loving hobnail milkglass on a delicious oval platter....do we notice some hoarding themes going on here?

No?  Well, what if I throw in a collage-y collection of random white plates I also pinched?

And I haven't even shown you the entire plastic ice-tray full of glass apothecary spice jars, the Ethan Allen end table, vintage dresser top mirror, REAL beadboard cabinet doors, and a funky old window doohickey I just had to have.  Oh yeah, and the cheap sandpaper blocks.

Yeah, I basically owned the thrift stores today.

That's how I do it.

Linking up with FJ Donna's Saturday Night Special.  and SH Rhoda's Thrifty Treasures and Linda's Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays and Kathleen's White Wednesday.
'Cause my stuff is so dang pretty (and mostly white).


Unknown said...

Wow, you did get a lot of stuff! I love all of the white glassware. Your post title is funny because hubs and I have been watching Hoarders on Netflix and it has been making me squirm. No more thrifting until I sell some of what I have! :-)

~ The Speckled Dog.

Elder Esplin said...

SO jealous! I need to get out and hoard some more stuff from your GW. Looks like you have a lot more fun stuff to choose from than I do. Thanks for letting me drool and covet all over your fancy new stuff!

Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Holy schmoly! I bow to you! I also want to see those cabinet doors. I was at the restore yesterday and passed some up because they had no tags and I was running short on time. Maybe I should go back for some. They may still be there!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Oh my GOSH!!!!! Those white plates, I want them all. I was in the thrift today and I brought home free rusty tomato cages. Nice goin' in comparison. I need a life.


NanaDiana said...

LOL- Maybe your Mom-in-law would have been embarassed to take a picture of you with your cart? lol

Love your finds...especially those plates! You did good, girl! Diana

Leo said...

Wow - you found some great stuff. Very lovely.

Leo said...

Wow - you found some great stuff. Very lovely.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Love your style & your blog! I'm getting ready to re-do my dining room, can't wait! Thanks for the ideas. I'm new to blogging, when you have a moment please stop by visit and "Follow" my blog. I enjoyed my visit today!


Unknown said...

Cindy it is not hoarding when you buy really pretty things and organize them beautifully like you do. Of course my haul from the last three thrifting trips are all in a disorganized mess. Do you think they have meds for compulsive thrifting? After thinking about that it doesn't matter I am not taking them I love thrifting.

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

What great finds!

shannon i olson said...

Nice things! love all the plates.

Polly said...

Wow!!! SCORE!!! LOVE the transferware platter!! LOVE IT!!! Beadboard doors....OMGOSH!!! Can't wait to see those!

Great day out thrifting Cindy!

Have a good weekend!


hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

it is so dang pretty!!!

Unknown said...

My gosh you got some great stuff.
I want to go thrifting with you.

Donna said...

Wow! You really lucked out! I never seem to find that many great things at the thrift stores around here! I love the milk glass vases, I have a bunch of it, too :) Sounds like you had a fun day!

Claudia said...

You really hit the mother lode! Congratulations!


COTTAG3 said...

Wow, you scored. That brown and white platter and those white plates are awesome.

COTTAG3 said...

Wow, you scored. That brown and white platter and those white plates are awesome.

Tania Pelletier said...

OH! I just love all your treasures you snagged! I'm hitting my local thrift stores today... perhaps your good luck will rub off and I'll make a haul as well! I'm trying to get rid of some of the stuff I don't LOVE to make way for more goodies though! I think you said it right when you called it "hoarding"!! LOL!

PS. Thanks for commenting on my desk redo, I LOVE it!!!

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Your stuff IS so dang pretty! I don't think it's hoarding if you use it and have a place for it all. But that could just be my denial talking. :D

I want to shop at your thrift stores. There are a grand total of THREE, yes THREE that in my area, and they mostly have junk. Not good junk like your junk, but junk. Plastic crap.

SZM said...

Now I've got the thrifty bug. okaybye~ Suzette

Brenda Pruitt said...

Yes it is! I see those random white plates on a wall somewhere. How come I never find goodies at these stores anyway?

Unknown said...

yes your stuff is dang pretty; thought I wouldn't use the word "dang" ...
have you ever seen this, tho?
ok maybe is a smidge different.
but still, you're a trend.

Eileen @ Cottage Beach House said...

Some great stuff you found. Damn we would be fighting over the same stuff if we were anywhere near each other in the local thrift. Don't you just adore a good haul?

Unknown said...

Wowee! You hit the jackpot. I'm drooling over the white plates and transferware. If you are worried about hoarding, I'm sure we could lighten your load, haha.

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

oh man, now my Christmas present it ruined! I done saw that Alfred Meakin platter that you picked up for me! Law girl, but you do make things look dreamy. I'm jonesing to junk - but I'm trying to be good and deal with all the junk I already have. I am getting mighty picky about what I'd buy - but I would buy all that you bought. Fighting would ensue - and then - well, it wouldn't be pretty - at all.

Dianna@DecorMadeSimple said...

Did you leave stuff for any one else?? Only kidding........you hit the jack pot.

I like the colored mason jar.....colored glass is my favorite.

My Cottage Charm said...

Cindy you crack me up! LOL You sound just like me in the thrift stores...my buggy is loaded and the people behind me in line are looking at me like..."what are you going to do with all that junk". If they only knew how my little brain works! :)
Hey, glad you like my fall decor, it was SO fun to make and put together! :) You asked about my window. I found that behind my mom and dad's house and it had rotten wood and everything else on it! I took it home and wood puttied it, sanded, painted, put on the glass knobs at the top and built the shelf underneath. Shew..that was some work! The pics were just printed off on my computer, then I cut some black art paper the size of the panes. I attached the pics to the art paper with double stick tape and then I could attach the black paper to the back of the frame with tape (pic facing out) and no one could see it because of the paper. :) Did that make sense?
Here is a guest blogpost I did on it if you want to visit Robyn's blog and read about it. :)
Have a great Sunday!

Marianne said...

Oh my god! You can get all that in the thrift stores where you live? In one go? Amazing. Love those white dishes. When your done with them, sent them over please....

Anne Lorys said...

Why yes, your stuff really IS so dang pretty!

re:Inspire said...

WOW! I can't believe the luck you had! The brown platter is my favorite, and then the white dishes...and the milkglass, too! Way to go!!

AntiqueChase said...

wow you really scored. came here from Southern Hospitality,,, off to read more

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Cindy, what beautiful things you found! I'm jealous over your white dish collection, you've got some beauties. And your pics are really pretty too. Great job!!

Lara said...

Hi Cindy!
Such lovely pics!! I like your use of twig balls to prop flowers-- great idea! Thank you for your sweet comment.. I use the cheapest point 'n shoot camera.. so your compliment made me smile! :)
Hugs, Lara

Unknown said...

Great pictures and even better finds. I love the milk glass. It's so pretty.


deb said...

You SCORED!!!! Love GREAT days at the thrifts!!! Can't wait to see the rest of your stash!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Thanks so much for showing off all your treasures with all of us at NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS...you had one awesome thriftin day!!! Love those PRETTY white plates and the brown transferware platter...also looking forward to seeing those beadboard doors!


Anonymous said...

I wanna go shopping with you! Great finds! Regards, Sheilla

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

LOVE it all...the transfer, the milk glass, the textures...pure eye candy!!!!!

Get Nestled In said...

I love all your finds!! You really are worthy of stalking, so, I'm following now! :)

Rebecca said...

I would have grabbed it all too!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

I love it when I hit the mother load in one place and it looks like that's what you did. That transferware platter makes me want to cry! I hope we get to see lots more of it!

stefanie said...

its all gorgeous!!!

Jane said...

All I can say is "Wow"! Fabulous finds and at thrift store prices....you can't beat that!

gail said...

yup....hoarding about sums it up!
but great stuff...especially the brown transferware!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

What a haul! :0) I miss my great Salvation Army where I used to live..it was fabulous! Now I have to really hunt for anything great...but it's not like I NEED anything else {of course, what does that have to do with anything?}..LOL

I'm visiting for White Wednesday and I would love to have you come visit with me. ♥

Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥

Arabella said...

Wow - you got lots of gorgeous things!

I'm dropping by from Nifty Thrifty Tuesday...and a new follower too.

Hope you're having a lovely week!


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh how I love a great thrifty find... Yours are wonderful.

Warm blessings,

Sandy Ang said...

What pretty stuff !

Eileen @ Cottage Beach House said...

Love, love, love! all your stuff. And your photos are soooo great. Keep it coming I really do enjoy your blog and I love to see thrifting hits!


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