
The Stockings were hung by the chimney with tears, er care.

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I finally got my kids' stockings done, but let me tell ya, it wasn't a fun craft AT ALL.  I about threw in the towel 6,000 times...the only thing that stayed my hand was the money I dropped in linen and ticking fabric and the time I'd already spent cutting the darn things out.  WHY, oh WHY can't I just do it the easy way like everyone else and just go to Hobby Blobby and BUY them????

So, I don't have a nice tutorial on how I made them because I did each of them differently, mostly thru trial and error and ripped seams and crooked cutting and broken needles.  It wasn't pretty.  I'll just show you the finished job, but don't look too close.  I wasn't really going for the 'homespun imperfect' look....that's just what I ended up with.

So here's my finished fireplace with the stockings finally hung. 

I used little wooden letters I found in the unfinished wood craft section at Hobby Blobby hung by jute twine to label each kiddo's stocking. Just left them as is.
 My married kids share a stocking with their honey, hense, two initials.

 These are the candle holders I made with odd banister posts purchased at the ReStore.

Here's another view of my mantle. I think I'm most happy with how this turned out.  I used greens from the pine tree out front, an old paper lantern light set from Target's garden clearance a few years ago, stars I made, ball jars and beans, left over votives from the wedding, some little ball thingys I got on clearance at Meijer and red glass ornaments from Hob Blob. The greens are so flippin' dry that if you breathe too close, it rains green needles. :)  I talk soothingly to it every single day, hoping to coax it thru the end of the season.

Our simple tree with meaningful ornaments, some homemade and some given thru the years.  Nothing fancy, but beautiful all the same.  It's real and smells so wonderful!

A view as you enter from the front hall.  Since painting, I haven't hung window treatments or anything on the walls yet, but will work on that kind of thing in January.  I also want to paint the brass on the fireplace flat black.
Who sees the duct tape?

I must say I'm glad to be done with seasonal crafting.  Next year I'm starting earlier.  Or maybe I'll forgo crafting and enjoy the season. Novel thought.

All that's left is baking and wrapping, thankfully two things I really enjoy....though I haven't finished shopping yet.  We usually do the bulk of our Christmas shopping the week before.  I kinda dread it each year.  I hate the cold and the crowds.  I become a humbug around all the commercialism.  I'd rather be home by the tree listening to J. Mathis and drinking hot peppermint cocoa.

I wanted to mention too, that I've been so frustrated with my camera of late.  Seems all my pictures are grainy.  I've tried all different settings....it's a Kodak digital, nothing fancy, but I've really been having a hard time getting good shots.  Hope they come thru on your screen ok.  You can always click them to enlarge, but then they look REALLY grainy.  Ah well, bigger fish to fry, as the saying goes.




gail@My Repurposed Life said...

cindy... you're being too hard on yourself! The stockings look great! I love them in fact! Your tree is very pretty, and your entire room is beautifully decorated! :)
and your pics... they look fine to me. I generally set my camera to a low pixel just so that my blog will load faster for my visitors. In other words, I'm not all that particular about pics, and yours always look great!
have a great weekend,

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love, love, love your stockings. They are exactly what I want to make. But I haven't started yet. And knowing me, it won't get done this year. I'll just have to drool over yours. I think they turned out fabulous!!! I love your tree and your mantel as well. I hope your tree doesn't dry out before Christmas. And I hope your greenery on your mantel doesn't go up in flames. Thanks for visiting my Christmas decor post & leaving me a comment. If I do get my stockings made (don't hold your breath), I'll try & remember to let you know so we can compare. I'm sure yours will be better though.

deb said...

The stocking look fantastic! As does everything!!
I've just started my baking, a few more days & I should be done :p

Six divided by two..... said...

Your stockings are amazing!! You are like me a perfectionist. But they are really beautiful!! Your decorations are simply divine!!

Natasha in Oz said...

Everything is amazing-I really don't know what you are talking about and the photos, I love them, especially those black and white ones. Your home looks totally festive and very warm.


Best wishes, Natasha.

The House Creative said...

I don't have enough stockings, and I was dreading buying them this year. However, thanks to all these creative people like you, I will be attempting to make them this year. Your stockings turned out perfect! I love the stripe detail.

Kirsty said...

Love those stockings! And isn't ReStore fabulous! I find so many things there, it's hard to stop. And when they have a 50% off furniture - oh boy, look out!

I love your little cottage!


Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Girl, those stocking ROCK! I love them so much. I'm heading over tonight with peppermint cocoa to sit and soak in the holiday groove you've got going on.

love it!

Love the Decor! said...

Those stockings are darn cute and I love the tags on them!!
YOU did a mahvalous Job dahling!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Looks like you did a great job on them! Everything looks so pretty and festive. You did good. :)

Crafty Sisters said...

Very cute stockings! I love the letters on them!

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Your fireplace is gorgeous Cindy----so love the stockings and you are lucky to have room to hang them all. Your tree looks awesome.

Marigene said...

Cindy, everything is beautiful...♥♥♥ the stockings. They look perfect to me.

Anonymous said...

Your stockings are beautiful and sure to be treasured for years to come.

Blue Creek Home said...

I'm sorry you got flusterated (my kid's terminology back when) making the stockings, but it certainly doesn't show. I love them! And I love your Christmas tree!

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Everything looks beautiful! I love how your stockings turned out, and I'm lovin' the monogrammed tags. Your tree is adorable too. Mine isn't real, but I want to get one someday.
Hope you can relax some now.

Sandra said...

Hi Cindy! What a fantastic job you did on the stockings! They look wonderful!
When you have time check out my fireplace. I painted the brass part in satin black. Love it!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

We are our own worst critics, aren't we? I think your stockings are simply lovely. As my daughter says, things that are made with love are always the best. Your mantle looks wonderful and festive and loved.


P.S. I love the candlesticks you made out of banisters. They look great by the fireplace. In fact, I think I'm going to go put my tall candlesticks out by our woodstove. Thanks for the inspiration.

Tracy said...

Hi Cindy. I LOVE what you did with the stockings. The little block letters are great! My problem is that all four of my kids' names start with A! Two of them have the initials AMP and two ALP! Guess I would have to get lots of letters! Your pictures look great to me, but you are your worst critic anyway, right? The tree is so pretty! Have a wonderful day!

Tammy said...

I think the stockings are beautiful. They are hard buggers to do aren't they? They seem so easy till you actually do them. My burlap one took some time.
I love the whole look of the room..good job.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!

I have the same sewing talent, which includes lots and lots of seam ripping. Hubby's & my stockings are made of silk. That was a very crazy thing for me to attempt, but they came out nice anyway.

Love, Love, Love your stockings. And I love that you didn't go over to HL, but hung in there and made them yourself with love. See - you are having a green Christmas! :) Everything looks beautiful!

I'm hoping to be back for another "Make it for Monday" on the 21st. I'm busy making a few more Christmas decos.

Ta for now, and have a wonderful weekend!

Tammy@InStitches said...

Everything looks so great ! Love the initial idea, I may have to use it.....

Dena said...

I love those stockings and those candle holders are fantastic!!!


Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

You know you never would have been happy with store-bought stockings! All your hard work was well worth it...the stockings are wonderful, and will be heirlooms someday, I'm sure! Your home looks beautiful...Have a wonderful weekend.

The Whispering Creek House said...

I know it took alot....but they are wonderful! Well done!

Allison said...

They are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them.

Leanne said...

The stockings look amazing. I bet you're so glad to be done with those. I love your tree too. Thanks for hosting again.

Anny said...

How beautiful! I have mantle envy - way to repurpose those Target lights :)

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

What a beautiful mantle! All your decor is sooo pretty! The stockings are adorable!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

All That Jazz said...

I LOVE your stockings~ and the initials hanging on them, how darling!! Just think of them as perfectly imperfect! ;-)
Great job on your mantel, too!

Anonymous said...

i just found your blog and can't wait to go through all of it! i love your stockings. years and years ago my mom made all of us dough ornaments. wrote our names on the back of them - on the back of hers she wrote - never again!! so it must have been difficult for her to make. I certainly do treasure them though. just like your family will treasure the stockings. i love the little initial tags. good job!


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