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So here's my hi-tech mixing cup. I used 1/2 taupe glaze, 1/2 brown paint. Looks like Ovaltine....raise your hand if you remember Ovaltine?
I really must apologize for my photography skills. They suck, plain and simple. I promise to work on it as I build my blog. No, seriously. I mean it. Kinda. Anyway, here's a closeup that I had to tweak in picasa to even see....and I'm not sure what I'm wanting to show is even see-able. (ok, now I'm making up words) I put the glaze on with a brush and kept spreading it around until the brush was pretty dry. Then I took a microfiber cloth...the really smooth kind....and wiped off any excess that would come off. Just kept wiping and wiping....uh, that sounds gross, but you get the idea. The above shot shows the streaking effect better. I didn't get all anal about putting the glaze on or taking it off...I was purposely going for an antiquey, not perfect effect. That's my way of easing my perfectionist personality.
This picture was supposed to show how thick I put the glaze on with the brush. Can't see the blue thru it at first, then as you keep spreading the glaze with the brush over a larger and larger area, the blue begins to peek thru. That's when you take your rag and start wiping that puppy down til it's almost dry to the touch.
First swipe with the rag. See the difference? And if you take too much off, slap a bit more glaze on there again and repeat. Slap it on with brush, push it around with brush, wipe it down with rag. Repeat.
This pic shows how bright the blue is compared to the glazed areas. I almost forgot to take a pic of this because I was bookin' girls. I was in conquering mode and wanted it DONE.

So now I'm letting them dry and cure for several days before putting a couple coats of satin poly over it all. I'm pretty happy with the result. And the biggest reason I painted these babies is 'cause I'm procrastinating the organization of those shelves. I am SOOOO bad at shelf decor. I'll need some hand-holding, k? I promise to post a picture once they're full of crap, er well beautiful decor. Hope this was helpful, even if the photography was um, totally ridiculous. Thanks for hanging in there with me anyway. :o)

So now I'm letting them dry and cure for several days before putting a couple coats of satin poly over it all. I'm pretty happy with the result. And the biggest reason I painted these babies is 'cause I'm procrastinating the organization of those shelves. I am SOOOO bad at shelf decor. I'll need some hand-holding, k? I promise to post a picture once they're full of crap, er well beautiful decor. Hope this was helpful, even if the photography was um, totally ridiculous. Thanks for hanging in there with me anyway. :o)
There are others who undertake such things. Lots of 'em. With much better photography skills, I promise. See them at Kimba's A Soft Place to Land, Gina's Shabby Chic Cottage, and Kendra's Me and My Insanity. Go get your drool on, k?
They look great!!!I have that exact bookshelf as well as a matching tv stand and china cabinet.I have been thinking about changing it for a while now.I think this post made up my mind!!!Thanks so much.
These looks amazing! I was laughing throughout your entire description too
I used the exact same (original) blue for my project at Kimba's this week - its so popular right now :)
These are GORGEOUS, nice make over!!
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