
Cra(p)ft Room Hutch Reveal

PSSSST...I'm no longer blogging here!
You can now find me at


You remember this gorgeous hunk of Antique Goodness, yeah?

It languished away, I'm ashamed to say, in the back of my garage for over a year....
I kept looking for the right piece for it to sit atop.

Low and behold, my daughter returned an old dresser my grandfather had made years ago.
She downsized to a smaller place and it found itself sitting next to Antique Gorgeousness in my garage.

It was love at first sight.  
And the two became one.

They're starting their marriage in my cra(p)ft room.

Working hard storing my pretties above, and the not-so-pretties in the drawers below.

This room is becoming a conglomeration of lots of meaningful things from my mama and gramma, 
and the hodge podge pieces I've thrifted over the years.
The hutch offers lots of spaces to display these beauties.

The shot below shows the old Ralph Lauren sheeting I've been hanging onto forever.  
It was the inspiration for the wall and hutch paint colors.  
I'll be using it make a curtain under my cra(p)ft table eventually.

The knobs are from Hob Blob, and a dear reader in Georgia who picked up the last five I needed and mailed them my way. (Thanks again Karen!!!)
Some areas I left with the 'drunk person technique' look, or didn't paint at all:

The room isn't done yet, but here's a peak to the left of the hutch, over my ironing board:

I have lots of primitive and rustic type stuff, so the room will be English farmhouse-y cottage. 
This bread board hung in my gramma's kitchen when I was little. 
 I'm loving that I can pick up the berry and pinks from the inspiration fabric:

So that's about it.  I hope I can show you the rest of my cra(p)ft room eventually, but I've kinda lost motivation and am on to something new already. (squirrel!)

I'll be bringing the new couple to some parties this week.
 Make 'em feel at home ok?
I'll bring the Little Debbie snacks too.


Three Birds Inspired said...

Oh my goodness! It looks like a marriage made in heaven!!

{northern cottage} said...

ahhhhhhh! perfect fit, perfect color! Awesome job putting together separate pieces to make one beautiful piece! Wow!


Emily said...

Oh wow! What a beautiful 'couple'!
That dresser is just perfect for the hutch!
That dresser is homemade? I love it!
And the color is beautiful. I love sagey greens.

Momma Button said...

Oh Cindy, it looks fabulous!! I've been looking for something similar for the scrapbook stockpile that's taking over the family room. Well done!!

The Country Nest said...

Wonderful, I love them together and the memories you have stored there, just wonderful. Funny thing is I have some of the same pieces from my Mom's home. Maybe that is why I love it so.

shannon i olson said...

Perfection! I am very jealous.

Lori said...


Katherine said...

What a perfect match! How lucky can a gal get. And I love the color, too.

Unknown said...

It looks great and a lovely colour too! They seem to be made for each other.

Marianne said...

Looking good, looking very good. Like a match made in heaven. If you hadn't shown me I would have thought it was one piece all along.
Loving what you are doing so far, keep it up and keep showing us!

Magali @ The Little White House said...

They were really made for each other!

Jenny said...

They look perfect together!

morninglorycottage said...

This is just gorgeous. Love it. Thanks for sharing.

Claudia said...

Perfect! Looks like they were meant to be together and you get lots of great storage in the bargain!


COTTAG3 said...

They are the perfect couple, just made for each other. They look so happy together too. They will feel so comfortable surrounded by family pieces that mean so much. Love this!

❁Velma ~Down Our Country Road❁ said...

A wonderful marriage and what a beautiful place to store all your goodies!

Amy Kinser said...

Well girl, that is gorgeous.

Heaven's Walk said...

They were certainly meant for each other!!! The whole thing looks beautiful - and I loved your "drunken painting" escapade! lol!

xoxo laurie

Maureen said...

I wasn't feeling it when I saw them at first but they do marry well. Nice!

Janice Kay Schaub said...

The hutch is fantastic. What a find and it looks as though they were meant for each other. love the colour

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

very cute!

Amy said...

Loving that hutch and the two became one!

Claudia said...

I love it. Your craft room is looking great!

BearShe Cottage said...

What I have seen so far is cute as a button. I like your style. The hutch marriage turned out to be a good match. Thanks for showing us your space so far.

Nancy said...

Lovely! A match made in heaven.

Project Queen (Mandy) said...

Wow! It was definitely meant to be. I love it! I would love to have that in my cra(p)ft room!

Kom Achterom said...

OOh nice combination!! love the colour!!
happy weekend

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

It's perfect! Don't you just love getting things cleaned out of that garage? : -)

Patricia said...

Oh my goodness! That really had me catching my breath in suprise as the photo of the finished piece came into view. It's wonderful!

Amy @ TheMombot.com said...

it's so lovely! the thought of having to paint all of that makes me stressed... so kudos to you!

Nicole @ Sew Much Sunshine said...

Just stumbled upon your blog & I must say I love it! I'm your newest follower :)

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

I LOVE it, Cindy! Love it, love it, love it! And how great that your grandpa's dresser is just the right size!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Looks like they were made for each other!!!

Jane said...

Absolutely perfect!!! I love everything about it!

Arabella said...

That is so amazing! It looks like the marriage is working out well LOL! Seriously the two pieces together look like they came that way. Well done :O)

Have a great weekend.


Dandelions Cottage said...

Love the color. It's so similar to what I was thinking about painting my girls dresser. Beautifully done!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Cindy, this is just perfect!! I would never have thought that these two weren't MADE for each other! Thanks so much for sharing the inspiration at VIF! xo Debra

Erin said...

I am SWOONING over this piece, Cindy! Love the English vibe and the way you arranged all those delicious little vignettes. This just makes me happy looking at it. :)

The Decorating Chica said...

That is truly beautiful! Good job.

Melancholy Specter said...


Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Cindy I love your cupboard. Can I come to your house to play? Your green looks similar to the green I painted my china cabinet and the inside of my kitchen banquette benches. Your crafty display is GORGEOUS! The sheet is beautiful inspiration. Really, I know I'm gushing, but I love your sweet cra(p)ft room - yes, even it's name. And also.......squirrel.......

absorbent spill kits said...

How wonderful way you find vintage furniture and fixing it up to give it a new life. That furniture is eye catching and I have same it in my room. But that is in pink with white color.

Ellen said...

wow!! that looks fantastic!

Fishtail Cottage said...

fabulous makeover - well done! i have those same milk glass pedestals & used them as feeders in my Dove cage! xoox, tracie

Holly said...

Your cupboard looks just beautiful and you are so funny!

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

looks beautiful cindy : )

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Beautiful! I'm glad I'm not the only one that "sits" on things. (aka let's them sit around and collect a lot of dust while I wonder what to do with them)
thanks for linking up !
catching you this week!

Polly said...

Wow! THey look perfect together! Love it! and I also love how you've accessorized it! Nice!

Cassie Bustamante said...

what a perfect union! i love the color, and wow that storage! i especially love all the details on the top piece!

Shan said...

Definitely a gorgeous hunk of Antique Goodness! LOL! It is PERFECT together! The color is endearing. What a beautiful blog you have as well. :D So happy you joined our Roomspiration party today! Thank you and hope you will stop back by again real soon!

CIELO said...

Truly gorgeous... and I love the color you chose... they are perfect for each other...

Thanks for participating in our Show Off Your Cottage Monday and bringing me here.


Amy W. said...

Cindy! I LOVE the cabinet....I'm so jealous. Hey, if you are ever near Auburn stop into my shop. I finally opened my own place. It's definately a work in progress. lol

Have a creative day,

Amy W.
Like Yesterday

Vicki V @ blestnest.blogspot.com said...

Love the marriage, love the color, and I'm inspired by your use of milk glass. Gonna pin some ideas!

Precious Crafts said...

Wow... so lovely and what a match! The next generation in your family would be delighted to keep going, I'm sure.

Roz said...

I hope you know how incredible you are! I dream about stuff like this but am too afraid (or lazy) to try. I love coming here and seeing what you have done. Okay, I'll go now sounding a little weird.....

Leanne said...

This is so beautiful! Those pieces were meant to be together. Thanks for linking to the party. I'll be featuring this Sunday.

I Play Outside The Box said...

Beautiful marriage!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Oh goodness, that was kismet! They look fabulous together. I just can't get over it. I love those old latches. You hit a home run with this combo!

Cindy said...

Your cupboard is fabulous!!! I need one just like that for my sewing room that I will get one day, hopefully.
Hugs, cindy


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