So. Time's come to retell the harrowing account of my weekend trip.
Bet you're all on the edge of your swivel chairs. I mean, after those incredible videos, I know you're hankering for more of my photo-journalistic awesomeness. Steve Speilberg gave me a jingle last night.
Ok, not really.
My adventure began by driving across the wilds of Indiana mid-afternoon with some Barbara Streisand, Joshy Groban and Ella keeping me company. Arrived at The Coop Keeper's just as the sun slipped behind the skeleton trees.
Uneventful, uber-boring, with not-a-hitch. Except when I called Jayme about half-hour before I arrived, who answered her phone saying 'there's no Jayme here.' She was teasing of course, but I had to call her a brat just the same. Cackling ensued and pretty much continued for the next 24 hours. Cackling and eating. And chickens. Always the chickens.
The girls came out to greet me, and you already know what they said as my independent film captured their welcoming cackles. Walked in the back door to this:
It is then that I might have realized:
Not really, but man...scratch and sniff your screen girls:
Gimme some 'o dat!
And she obliged...
That boy Aaron was busy with the camera. She's training him well.
He's a cutie-patootie with sprinkles on top, and later that evening I was priveleged to introduce him to Jesus.
At that point Jayme may have suggested very non-chalantly that it was time for my bath. I was all about it. I was greeted with these:
Then she began drawing my bath in her Civil War era tub. She lit candles....
...while I took in the surroundings...
And then I honed in on these:
Be still my heart.
And I proceeded to do this for the next hour:
I'm pretty sure I reached the state of nirvana when during this blissful solitude I smelled italian sausage sizzling as Jayme was already preparing our breakfast repast for the next morning. I know.
She also might have asked whether I wanted her to take a pic of me in the bath.
Then we gabbed about stuff and fluff til 'bout 2:30am, at which point she brought me to my room, turned back the sheets and TUCKED ME INTO BED. I was overwhelmed. I felt like the Queen of Sheba. Or of the Coop. Either way. The sheets were sented, and the antique dresser was adorned with these:
And these:
I was completely pampered. I can't imagine a more enjoyable evening, a more gracious host, a more perfect location. My bosom friend has found her calling.
The Coop Keeper's Bed and Breakfast
also hosting summer evening campfires around the Squirrel
She just doesn't know it yet.
The next morning we ate a scrumptious breaky, then took off for Chicago. I'll talk about that in another post, 'cause this post is Part 1. But you knew that.
We were armed with an atlas and directions and promptly pulled out of the driveway heading the wrong direction. More cackling. We finally got our bearings and arrived in record time. Even had time to stop for twizzlers.
I was nice to all the toll booth workers.
On the way back we also made a stop before leaving town at Rebecca's shop in Glen Ellyn. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. She was at the get together, and invited us to stop by afterwards. I bought this blue birdie/taper holder, but I wanted everything in her store. Really.
Look at the 'confetti' wrapped up in the tissue with my purchase:
Her attention to detail is fabulous, and I was so impressed by her sweet spirit, incredible talent, and creativity. Her studio behind her shop was nothing short of inspirational.
Poor Jayme was struggling with nausea, having taken some doses of Vicoden too close together, and her tooth was hurting terribly. She had pretty much been in pain since Friday morning, making my pampering treatment that much more special.....I'd have been in my bed with the covers pulled over my head. I felt so bad for her. We took off and yakked our way back to the Coop, where she immediately started to cook dinner for me. What a trooper. She just 'whipped' this up:
Polska Kelbasa with cabbage and apples in pomegranate juice. Oh, and more of that scrumptious homemade bread that she toasted in garlic in a skillet. Yum doesn't quite come close. Trust me.
I also made a trip out to visit with the girls.

I think I was meant to be a chicken. The above shot eerily resembles me when sitting.
Darling Helen, asking me how my spiritual life was developing and asking if I had any prayer concerns.Blurry shot of Beloved Stubs.
All the girls were anxious to know how the bloggy girls get together went, and I told them all about it, then bid them farewell and prepared to leave.
Jayme showed me her new/old loom (fascinating!) and her doll house renovations (completely adorable) and gave me a few parting gifts:

I hated to go, but wanted to give my dear hostess a chance to take care of herself and that darn tooth. I climbed in the accord with a heart full of the love of a friend, thankful that our computers had brought us together. What a treasure Jayme is. To know her is to love her and to feel cherished by her.
Here's what kept me company on the trip home:

I am VEEEERy tired, but full of joy for such a friend. 'Twas an excellent adventure.
Here is the post that sneaky Jayme put up after she knew I was on my way about her preparations for my visit. Much nicer pictures....
I'll put up Post #2 later tonight, as well as MckLinky for Make it for Monday #12.
Oh my dear darling newest friend Cindy....what a great report of your trip so far! I'm still in la-la Vidodin land and haven't done nearly as good of a job reporting on the weekend. I'm still in awe and speechless. Your pictures are fantastic! Well, except the one of the buck toothed hillbilly housemaid I hired to serve the soup. Gawd...not only should have I gone to college, but I really should have gotten braces instead of opting for a shiny new bike.
Oh how I'm cackling as I write this.......what in the name of Me is going on!?
It was so nice meeting you on Saturday......and I can't wait to get together again!
btw; she totally has to open up a B&B!!
I have waited all weekend to hear about your time together...and wasn't disappointed. You both sound like you had a wonderful time, inspite of Jayme's toothache. Sorry about that.
Cindy, can't wait to hear more about the Chicago part. How fun is that to be so close to so many wonderful ladies. I think it's time we move back to IN!!
What an incredibly, awesome week-end you had. Jayme is such a cackle.. erm, I mean hoot... Ya, she's a hoot.
The Blue Ridge Gal
A very special, fun-filled weekend indeed... with pampering too. How perfect! That is a great picture of Jayme and Aaron. Enjoyed them all and your re-telling was most excellent. Thank you for sharing! -Tammy
Sounds like a great time!
It sounds like you two had a great time! Chicago-land has more toll booths than a chicken has feathers. I remember having to heave our gallon ziplock bag full of quarters into the car with us when we would go there for weekends.
Lovely. I'm so glad I found your blog. I've really enjoyed it. I've been reading Jayme's for quite sometime; what a team you two gals make.
Can I go to this awsome bed and breakfast? Seriously???
Thanks for sharing your relaxing weekend with us all. I love Jayme's ideas for warm hospitality!
The cute birdy cutouts with your store find were so adorable.
If that hillbilly housemaid serving soup thinks HER mouth hurts, she ought to feel mine after laughing at this post and her reply!
p.s. I'm not suppose to even GRIN nevermind laugh.
You two are awesome.
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