Welcome to Make it for Monday #5! I'm looking forward to seeing all the crafity-craft-crafts or makeovers or
I LOVE making these, and they lend themselves to so many creative uses. Hanging kids artwork, clipping pictures up, recipes, lists, birthday cards.....whatever needs displayed in an original way. And you can use any kind of paper (scrapbook, newspaper, wrapping, etc.) or even fabric, though I've not tried that yet. Here's Kim's tutorial at Twice Remembered, where I first learned to make them.
Here's my wee offering this week:
I've posted these before, but here's some I made for my Gramma's 92nd birthday, back in August:
While I'm at it, here's some pictures from that fun day....all the more meaningful because she has declined very quickly since then, having fallen and fractured her back, then falling again several weeks later breaking her ankle. She's now wheelchair-ridden, she's lost most of her hearing, and is in the beginning stages of alzheimers. She can't keep all her grandkids and great grandkids straight anymore, and she's so embarrassed by it. Breaks my heart. Love her so very much.....hard to see her struggling after living such a full, creative, loving life.
Here she is with my mom (her daughter) and dad, me (her firstborn grandbaby!), my sis and brother.
With all her great-grands, sans one of my nieces who was at a birthday party.
Even Bogart the Big Black Dog has adopted her :)
She still wanted to throw the horseshoes!
She did darn good too....
Loverly. Her sash says "Spoil Me. It's My Birthday!"
We loved on her all day. So much of my love for the creative and domestic arts comes directly from her.
She's still a beauty.
Ok, link 'er up folks. Please post the url to your specific post, and I'd love to have you add my button somewhere in your post so others can find their way back here to either play along or enjoy the other posts. You can find the code up there to the right on my sidebar.
And please try to spread some comment love around, or it's really not a party! We all enjoy knowing others have noticed our creative attempts. It's as close as some of us get to our 15 minutes of fame :)

Love the clothespin sets! Adding that to my to do list. Your grandma is precious ... certainly does not look 92! God bless her.
Your clothespin sets are just beautiful. I love the ones that you sent to Mary too. What a precious tribute to a very special person. So glad she had all of you around her. Hugs, Marty
Your gramma is a sweetie! She sure doesn't look 92. Glad you all spoiled her on her special day.
She sounds like a wonderful woman! It is clear how loved she is!
Wonderful pictures. A friend of mine in WA sent me pictures of the clothespin magnets during the summer. They are my list of things I want to make..hopefully before craft shows start this spring. They sure are cute.
How nice that you seized the day when Gramma was well. A wonderful memory forever.
P.S. The clothespins are cute too!
I love your clothespins. I made some too, but yours look great. Thanks for hosting again. I'm going to try to get to everyone this week. Happy New Year!
thanks for hosting
' i am a bit behind on things but put a little something up.
barbara jean
ps cannot wait to ocme back and read some of the other blogs
What an amazing lady - You are very blessed and lucky. The clothespins are darling...They are goingon my to-do. Thanks for hosting.
She looks great for her age! What a sweetie. Cute little project you got there. One of these Mondays I have to get off my lazy arse and post something. Besides just a smart comment!
Your Grandmother is such a beautiful woman!
Living it up at Lakewood,
I love that sash!
I just found your blog and an happily participating in your Made it Monday! So, thank you!
I also just became a follower, I would love it if you returned the favor. Check my blog out if you have a second! My blog is www.remodelaholic.com
The clothespins are fab. I've done these before and I love them. I saw the pics of your Gram at the wedding and she looked spunky and gorgeous. What a fantastic family legacy you have!
shine brightly in your beautiful "15 minutes." A pleasure to visit . . . I've created those fun clips too with my paper products. LOVE your packaging style.
Like your clothes pins. Your Grandmother is a pretty lady. Sorry she is not doing well.
I love what you wrote about your Grandma. And the clothespins are terrific!
Cindy, what a cute project! I know I've been by here before, but your blog is really adorable. Love your projects and looked back at some of your older posts. You're quite creative!
She still looks so vibrant! Love the project. What a wonderful idea!
Hi Cindy!
I haven't made those fun clothespins yet. You have become a pro at it!
Looks like a wonderful birthday party! You have a very nice looking family!
Cindy - I love your clothespins! So cute! Definitley going to try and make some soon.
You are so blessed to still have your Gram and so healthy (until this past year.) It looks like everyone enjoyed her birthday festivities and she knows how loved she is. That is the best gift of all.
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