

::Painting Mavens::

So I've been having some serendipitous moments of late. Yay to the hey.

Here's the deal.  One of the (many) reasons I've always been hesitant about starting a biz is all the competition.  I don't do competition.  I'd rather just sit out.  Mostly because I always lose and that sucks, but also if I happen to win, I feel all awkward and goofy and sad for those who lost.  I hate 'us vs. them'.  I can't state this quite as strongly as I feel it.

But peeps, I NEED to paint furniture.  It's like my saving grace during this season of upheaval.  It's like a test in my middle age to see if I really believe in my artistry and talent.  It's like my life played out as I make something truly beautiful out of something most people would pass by and spit on.  Ahem.

And unless I SELL my painted furniture, it's gonna take over my garage.  In a horrendous way.  Very horrendous.  I don't want to talk about it.

So back to Serendipity, I've stumbled upon some gals (or in some cases, they stumbled upon me) who are doing the same type stuff in my area.  I already told you about The Poppy Cottage down the road.  LOVE the owners.  Love their heart and their passion for teaching, and that gal has some serious ::cottage instincts::.

But let me just introduce you to a few more.  You locals sit up and pay attention.  Prepare yourself for awesomeness RIGHT IN YOUR HOMETOWN.  Yo.

First, there's Emiley who lives in my town, but owns a shop in a nearby small town called Emiley's Haute Cottage. She happened to see my listings on craigslist and contacted me about a couple vintage markets she's doing this summer and invited me to participate.

She's got yummy stuff.  Just sayn'.

Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature vintage dresser in a picture on facebook, (I paint stuff, I don't rhyme people.)  Zipped over to the original page and discovered Revived!  Very cool stuff.  See?

She even names her pieces like I do....come on now.  Vivian up there is pretty dang awesome, eh?  And come to find out, she sells up at Emiley's Haute Cottage too.  Sah-weet.  Glad Vivian popped up in my fb feed.

And then, I get this suuuper sweet comment on my ::cottage instincts:: facebook page (hey, do ya like me?) from a certain  "Cottage In the Woods Creations".  How cute is *that*?  And how cute are her pieces?

And now my brain is running in all directions at once.

I see all these terrifically talented gals online who partner up to do shows...barn shows, tag sales, pop up occasional sales.  And they're all supporting each other and having fun sharing their passion for old stuff and paint.  (and burlap)

I've told y'all about my plans for The Serendipity House (if it every gets itself built goshdarnit).  I want to have these kinds of collaborative occasional sales where folks who paint and craft cool stuff can have a platform to show off and sell their wares in an atmosphere of support and friendship, instead of everyone just trying to make it work on their own.  Tight here in my hometown.

I think we all do better when we share.  Don't you?

Who knows if anything will come of all this.  Frankly, I'm just excited to connect with others who love to paint stuff.  And talk about our issues with wax.

Ok, not that last part.

Well, maybe that last part.

I've been inspired by so many bloggers who find out-of-the-box ways to make a little money selling their creations by partnering with others, even those who do the same thing.  I believe as artists we are uber sensitive about our own stuff, and often shy away from others we perceive as 'better'.....but I think together we are all 'better'.

There's totally enough room for all of us and our art, enough customers, enough furniture.  And by pooling our resources, I think we can foster a great community....the kind I see with the 'big girl' bloggers and market vendors.  Right here in my neck of the woods.  A place where everyone wins, everyone has a place to use their abilities.

I choose to believe in serendipity.  I choose to support my fellow furniture flippers.  I choose to not be a hoarder.

Ok, not that last part.


  1. Sounds like you might be on the verge of something good! I've am always looking for people to share with but I haven't found the right peeps so far.

  2. You are ON FIRE, girl, and I love it. How wonderful to have so many talented people that share the same passion as you do-and live close by. How great is that? I know you must follow a thousand blogs. Do you know Suzan at Simply Vintageous?n She does some awesome furniture makeovers, too...all on a budget. She's a doll, too.

    Okay- I am seriously going to bed here- Have a great night- xo Diana

  3. Sounds like you have a plan in the works! And you already know how I feel about woman coming together to share their passion - rewarding on sooo many levels!

  4. I love what you are doing, and would love to join you, except that I am in the forest in Florida. My son and I have been kind of repurposing and scheming over how to promote this thing before it takes over our whole house. My son actually builds new pieces and makes them look old too. We are kind of stuck out in the middle of the forest without much of a market to peddle our wares. And I still work full time, so this is only a hobby right now for me...and a possible dream for the future. Wish you were closer...or I could start something similar here. Thanks for some great ideas!

    You can see some of my son's stuff on facebook Ben's Country Woodshop, or my blog has a link and a page for his stuff too. I enjoy your 'stuff" and ideas!

  5. I, too, have been thinking of starting a furniture painting business. But, yeah, really not in to the competition thing either so I get how you feel. I've also been wading through a bunch of emotional mess and painting really is the only thing that brings a feeling of peace and purpose and alot of things. I love reading your words. I pray you find success and happiness.
    - Sarah

  6. I, too, have been thinking of starting a furniture painting business. But, yeah, really not in to the competition thing either so I get how you feel. I've also been wading through a bunch of emotional mess and painting really is the only thing that brings a feeling of peace and purpose and alot of things. I love reading your words. I pray you find success and happiness.
    - Sarah

  7. I have been thinking about this exact thing. I see the different sales across the country where the smaller businesses partner up, why can we do something similar as well? I sent you a PM on facebook asking to be included. I think we should all meet and have a chat about doing this!

  8. I'm sure you'll be very successful in this new adventure because you're talented. I have a small project of my own (not as big as yours), but I've the same fears. Why would people love what I'll have in my shop? Future will tell, I guess...

  9. Every time my hubby tells me about the (latest) restaurant concept that he's gonna open, I smile and say "and a market in the front too, right?" Okay fine, it could be in the BACK, but don't you think that a little breakfast/lunch place that just HAPPENED to have a rotating selection of painted furniture/handmade stuff for sale would be awesome? Or is it just in my head? Like a Cracker Barrel except for not. And then it could close at night and host crafting classes or some other such things. It realize it sounds like a mish mosh as all my ideas always do, but could be epic.

  10. Anonymous10.6.13

    I am the same way when it comes to competition. I don’t like to lose. I think it is great that someone found you and offered you a spot. It is a wonderful opportunity where you can still sell your pieces but don’t have to start your own business.

    Online PhD in Education


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