


First of all, THANK YOU for all the kind words of encouragement and empathy you poured out after THIS POST.  
I'm still re-reading the comments and many emails I received, and I'm humbled.  
It helped hugely just to write it out, bring it to the light, face it in black and white.  

But healing really took wings as I read your words.  
I know I'm nowhere near 'over it', but somehow sharing my pain out loud and hearing from so many of you gave me just a little ray of sunshine.  

And wouldn't you know....that same day in the mail, I received a gift from a reader who had no idea of my pain at that point.  
Yes indeedy, life is a bugger. :)

Thank You too, brightened my day, and I LOVE the tag you made me 
(and I uber-love that you made those sweet wee eggs out of tic tacs...genius!)
It will sit perched above my 'puter screen along with other sweet cards and such that remind me that I am loved and appreciated, even though I struggle with depression and weight issues and can't find my sense of humor at times.

I also might mention that I took a HUGE leap today.
I'll share more about that soon, but I don't think I would've risked it without all the care and support I received on this here bloggy.  
You all played a part in pushing me to believe in risking another try.
Little Debbie's all around!


  1. So glad to hear a lift in the tone of your post. Best wishes, Paula Lusk

  2. Try to be with your mom and friend as much as possible. If you still have children at home, ask them to help with the chores and preparing meals. There is no need to be wonder woman. I know all about needing to lose weight. However, I really don't think now is a good time to have your system shocked into a new eating pattern. That new baby will be here so soon. What a wonderful thing!! You and your family are in my prayers. Hugs, Jan

  3. What a sweet, tender gift! I went and read your other post, you have been through the wringer so to speak but it looks like you have lots of sistas who love and that about blogging! ;D

  4. I am so glad that there was such an outpouring of love and compassion. Aren't bloggers amazing people?

    I am anxious to hear what new venture you are embarking on. Fill us in, please! xo Diana

  5. Losing your sense of humor? Unlikely.

    Chance that I will steal that minty-fresh tag? 100%

    (and if I knew that you were handing out ADDRESSES you would TOTALLY get something in the mail from me)

    (be afraid)

  6. Anonymous13.1.12

    Hugs and sweet thoughts are still coming your way!
    Love that tag! Totally going to copy it.

  7. I hope you feel lots better soon! *HUGS*

  8. Dear Cindy,
    I just read your previous post and all the comments. Wow! Please know we are all out here praying, chanting, positive thinking about you and hoping you feel better and better. You are beautiful, talented, sweet, funny, loving and loved! Please take good care of yourself and start dreaming of your own happiness. If we don't know what makes us happy, how can we seek it?
    PS. I love that little tag!

  9. PS. Again,
    I read your exercise in interior design post which inspired my latest post at
    Stop by some time.


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