

Nothin' fancy, but it's ours.

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I almost didn't link to Sarah's tree extravaganza 'cause it's not what I'd call a stellar performer....but I love it anyway.  It also never changes from year to year because my kids consider it almost sacred, same kind of tree, same lights, same ornaments...meaning no touchy the tradition.  *shrug*
So here ya go...our over-exposed tree of 2010:

Ornament made by my mama in the '70s.

Gigantic metal start I glitterfied for the top.  That's the only new thing on the tree this year except a new string of lights.

One of the first ornaments we got as a married couple, and my favorite.  Because we were married in January, someone got us a huge box of ornaments (prolly on wicked clearance) for our first married was so fun to open that box again 11 months later!

Jute twine and linen ornaments I made last year:

'Nother creation from last year:

Overexposed shot from the ground:

It sits next to the window, so during the day the lights don't show very well...

Here's a shot with my loverly fireplace that I just sit and stare at.  Bogart the dog had to be in the middle.

Like I said, nothin' fancy, but it's special to our family.

Shared with Sarah The Thrifty Decor Chick's Tree Party.

Other Christmas 2010 Posts:


  1. I love it & wish you wouldn't say its not special. Of course it is - its a family tree. Nothing better than that, my dear! And I totally agree with your family about not changing a thing - we've had the very same menu on Thanksgiving and on Christmas for the last 40 years and if anyone even suggests doing something different, they are voted down. You can add, but you can't take things away. ;) Its special, its ours, and its staying that way. Its also kind of fun watching traditions take over my sisters family, and now her kiddos are the same sticklers as she & I are. Mwa ha ha ha.

  2. I think your tree is beautiful. I love trees that don't necessarily have a theme! I has more character and meaning. It looks classic and timeless. Beautiful =)

  3. It's your rand no one else's! My kids decorate ours, I just go back through and try to spread the clumps out a bit. No designer tree here, but it's our tree!

  4. it is cute... and thats what its all about... family. :)

  5. You have a beautiful FAMILY tree. That makes it special.

  6. Your tree is very pretty! Favorite ornaments and some handmade, make it even more special.It seems most family pets like to lounge around the decor. :D
    Enjoy your evening.

  7. It looks wonderful!!! Hugs, Rachel ;)

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  8. I think your tree is beautiful and very special. I am glad you posted about it.

  9. Ours is much the same way and I don't have any kids! I love it each and every year ~ adding ornaments as we go along ~ traditional and full of memories.

  10. What a pretty tree! And I love your pup in front of your fireplace! Did I tell you how much I Love your mantle? Love, love, love it!!!

  11. It's a beautiful tree!
    Happy Holidays!
    Tammy :-)

  12. I really like your tree!!! It may not be showy like some of them, but what is that all about anyways. Trees should be filled with memories and traditions and not the latest decorating fad. My tree looks a lot like yours ~ that is if I had put it up:) You have to move fast in blogland if you want to keep up with the parties. I just finished with school yesterday, so I guess I missed the tree party. Oh well ~ there's enough Christmas in my little house as it is. I love your tree!!!

  13. AHHH! was that burlap I saw underneath the tree? :) Love the twine ball/linen ornament. Did you do a post about that? I would love to know how. TOOO cute.

  14. Love it! haven't gotten over the fire place yet(still swoonin)

  15. I love it. This is the type of tree we always have too. Same ornaments because, well I can't part with them. They remind me of when the kids were little. And they still are at heart! Your fireplace still makes me sigh. So pretty! I have been a photoshopping fool lately and been trying to work with under and over exposure shots!

  16. I think it's wonderful that your children love staying with tradition. Your tree is beautiful and holds so many memories and family tradition.


  17. Anonymous9.12.10

    You may say over-exposed, but that is beautiful and the fact that you and your kdis have a sacred love for it is all that matters.

    I love it.

  18. You don't need strobe lights and dancing elves to make a tree amazing. Woman, do you know what you have there?!? She's simply beautiful!

    The shape is so charming! There is just nothing like a real tree.

    And can I just say I LOVED that fancy hanging hook on that one snow ornament? Those are cool! WANT. :)


  19. Well, it may not BE fancy...but it strikes the fancy of your kids and family and that's really what it's all about,isn't it? I love that you have so many family things tied up in that tree. It's perfect! And, speaking of perfect...that is a wonderful looking RUG (dog) in front of your newly done mantle. However, he doesn't seem to match a single thing in the room! Bwahahahaha...

    Hope you have a great night- xxoo Diana

  20. I think it's very lovely.

    I didn't even put a tree up this year. This duplex really doesn't have ROOM for a tree - - - unless I put it in my football cave in the basement.

    No one is coming, so Fisherhubby and I decided we didn't really need a tree.

    I put out other Christmas decor - - - and I feel quite pleased with the results.

    Though I will admit, I've NEVER not had a tree ever before any Christmas of my life.

  21. Cindy,

    I love all your Christmas decor -- your sweet, charming tree full of family memories and your beautiful, magazine worthy mantle and hearth. I love the photo of Bogart stretched out in the center of the room.

    Your Friend,

  22. Every Christmas tree from the lowly to the grand is beautiful and special and glorious.

    They are loved by lonely people, happy people, singles, families and admired by us all.

    What else besides baby anything does that for so many?

    Charlie Brown knew. : D



  23. What are you talking about? Your tree is beautiful. Not to mention the fact that it is decorated with some special holiday treasures. Btw, I love your linen and twine ornaments :)

  24. My tree is so like yours. It has not changed in YEARS except for the new personalized family and kids ornaments we add every year. It has bright multi colored lights because that's what my kids want and that's what they will get. It has the same star that my hubby and I got our first year of marriage, 20 years ago. This year, the lights burned out on the star. Sad, but still up there. My tree has more meaning than any other decoration in my home because it's full of memories.

    I love yours for the same reason I love mine.

    I also LOVE your fireplace. Gorgeousness!

  25. *THAT* is the best kind of tree...enjoy it while you can...pretty soon you will be able to decorate it any way you want!
    THANKS bunches for the sweet words of encouragement...I am so excited!

    You asked awhile back how I like the new is OK..still have not had tons of time to learn it...and bought a *dummies* book to read over christmas vacation...but at this point my old camera did just about as good of a job...I'm a bit disappointed cause it was spendy...but I'm not giving up
    Merry Christmas to you!

  26. But don't you love tradition? To see a Christmas ornament that really means something special is way better than a big fancy tree. If your like me....half the fun of decorating for Christmas is just getting to open the storage boxes each year!

  27. Okay, I love the shape of your tree! There is something so endearing about it! Thanks for sharing!
    Merry Christmas!

  28. Hi, I popped over from TDC's tree party, and I just had to comment. Family trees are my absolute favorite. They're filled with tradition and whimsy (with all of the kid-made both new and vintage--if you count the ones my husband and I made as kids). Your tree is truly lovely. And, I love the shot from the ground up (in fact, I may have to steal your idea!), overexposed or not!

  29. Anonymous18.12.10

    My trees change little from year to year, but that's the way I like it. It's tradition. I love that your kids take such an interest in it. My oldest couldn't give two hoots about ours. My youngest loves to decorate still, hopefully her love will last.

  30. I like your tree, it is fine! Tradition is wonderful. I did not put up our big tree since we have a kitten which has no fear. I can picture her dangling off a limb n the tree crashing to the ground. She fell trying to get on the mantle n then walking the railings on the stairs in the loft to the basement. I think she has about 6 to 7 lives left. :) I opted to play safe since she was sniffing the little tree when I took it out. You can see the wheels turning with that look she gave it. Needless to say it is sitting up on the door chest high so she won't get it.
    Every tree is unique and special no matter if it is a fancy, family, homemade or store bought. I can tell stories of certain ornaments that go on my tree. Love the memories!


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