

Reminder (also known as 'nagging')

You haven't forgotten yet, right?

Just a bit more than a week, and I want to see what you've been working on.  Here's to a less cluttered world!  Don't forget to add my button (code on my sidebar) to spread the word 'cause we all know everyone has random projects just waiting in the's the push to get them done.  Let me know if you've added the button. That'll be worth an extra entry in the giveaway on partyday.  Which reminds *me*....the giveaway will be another chance to nab some of my handmade Real Soap :o) 

Go HERE to read the specifics about what we're doing....

Happy Saturday guys.


  1. Anonymous7.11.09

    Ha-haaa. Reminder sounds so much nicer than Nagging. :) I added your button to my blog (last week?) and I'm using up some fabric scraps and ribbon and may toss a watercolor into a frame and call it art. Not sure yet. I tend to get more creative as I run out of time.

    Looking forward to the par-tee!

  2. That lucious handmade soap I posted about?!? Ok, I'll behave and go post your button! :)


  3. button, button, I've got your button! My project is done (i'm so proud of myself) and I've got your button added. Just waiting for the 16th now.

  4. Hi Cindy! Thanks for stopping by my blog... I don't really make handmade soap like you do... I really skip the hard part, and just do the fun part. I use the melt and pour and add the fun and pretties. I went to your soap blog and your soap looks fantastic! That is all too intimidating for me, and I really appreciate how much work you do to produce such lovely soap! I know its a labor of love. Its nice to meet you!
    Have a great rest of the week end.

  5. And... a couple people were asking if I sell my soap and I don't, so I sent them the link to your soap blog.

  6. Sounds cool! Now that I am finished with the shop move, I'll be able to participate in more parties. I'll have to try to whip something up for this. I love making something cool out of what I already have sitting around. Keep up the, reminders. :)

  7. I blogged about it, and added your button. Looking forward to it!

  8. Cindy,
    I just cut the monogrammed letter paper in the size of a square a little smaller than the coaster, just like the napkins.
    I did not cut around the letter.
    Thanks for visiting!

  9. This sounds like fun! I have so much stuff and tons of ideas for things I want to do - just no time!



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