

::Tuesday's House Building Progress 2nd Edition::

I love the Amish.

I've lived near to one of their communities for 18 years....NE Indiana has the third largest population of Amish.  They have parking shelters at our Walmart for their horses and buggies.

You know what that means, right?


Ok, and well, craftsmanship.

Last Tuesday we had this...forms, gravel over plumbing/electrical, heating/air.....all ready for the cement dudes.

See?  Cement dudes.  They had to use a conveyor belt thingy connected to that long tube thingy that reminded me LEEETLE too much of the birthing scenes in Aliens. Or maybe I'm remembering my own birthing scenes.  Either way.

So back to the Amish, yesterday morning the Amish dudes arrived in a muted rainbow of color and suspenders. They're making chalk lines to mark room divisions.

This shot, my sweet readers, is the first wall going up.  I.about.pee'd.myself, and I'm not ashamed to say it.
It's also the window for our master bedroom!

By last night they had the whole ding dang first floor done. They be wicked quick because they have special powers.  Bet you didn't know that.  It's the suspenders.  Or possibly the straw hats. Either way.  They have considered the ant, oh sluggard, for sure and for certain.

This next shot is from my bed looking out the window at the butt-crack of dawn this morning (like 6:15 no lie, not that I'm complaining) watching rainbow Amish dudes start on the second floor. I don't think they changed clothes from yesterday.

I now refer to them by their respective colors: Ecru, Washed Denim, Pine Green, Blah Gray.  I'm fairly certain there was a Pale Eggplant dude there at one point, as well as a Just-Shy-of-Navy, but I can't be sure.  There's also one 'English' dude (as the Amish call everyone else not Amish). He wears construction dude garb.

Annnnnnd.......BAM. Here's where we are tonight.  A house I can walk around inside and envision some decorating awesomeness in the near future!

BTW, we picked out appliances on Saturday.  Going with all white.  I'm not a fan of stainless, and I can't abide black.  Yesterday we picked some flooring....bottom is the laminate, then the carpet for bedrooms/living areas, and vinyl wood look for bathrooms.

I also picked lighting today, but it was so depressing I didn't get any pics.  We'll have a plethora of boob lights for most spaces in antique bronze, a couple cheesy pendants to match an equally cheesy chandy for the eating area and her evil twin for the entryway.  There was NO antique brass anywhere to be seen, so those will have to be changed out as Indiana enters the next decorating which time the rest of the country will have moved on to shiny brass.  You know that's coming.

And that's a rap!  I'm fighting a cold or flu or some other annoying physical state, so I've not been to the garage to paint lately.  Hoping to remedy that tomorrow, even if I have to guzzle an entire bottle of nyquil tonight to get some sleep before Rainbow Amish Dudes awaken me with their musical saws and nail guns.


  1. Whoo hoo! Boy, they sure can throw up a house in a hurry! My sister had Amish dudes put a new roof on the house a few years ago. Oddly enough, she had to call their foreman to the door to tell him that she had heard more bad language than she ever cared to hear. Apparently our Amish have dirty mouths!

  2. You are hilarious!!! How cool they got your house up so fast. That is a barnraiser for sure!!! So hope you feel better. By the way, you shouldn't take pictures of the Amish! I should know, I did when I was teenager and a tourist in Pennsylvania. I still have the picture of the angry Amish man trying to shield himself from my devil camera.

  3. Un-be-freaking-lievable. I cannot even imagine the ecstasy of seeing something drawn up on paper become an actual HOUSE. At the speed of lightning, no less.

    Also, it must be hard to do anything else without getting distracted with all those STUDS next door. Construction humor.

  4. Wow- That is some really GREAT progress. Amish really know what they are doing. You must be SO excited! xo Diana

  5. Wow! That's it. Wow!

  6. You must be so excited, I have never had a brand new home, that no one else had lived in...I can only think it must be amazing to watch happen in front of you...congrats..Phyllis

  7. Dang...I thought it was just a certain reality show that built houses in a day. Lucky You!

    What no stainless steel and granite?! Seriously, I'm always doing an eye roll when Everyone wants granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances on House Hunters. It's not that I dislike them; they suit some homes nicely. But I too like white appliances. They're just me, and obviously You too! We's like appliance sistas.

  8. How exciting Cindy! We have a relatively new Amish community here too. They moved here about 15 years ago. They sure can build a house in a hurry! Makes you wonder why it takes the "English" so long...can anyone say profits???

  9. The progress is amazing! I bet there are some special powers in those suspenders. I've lived with bare lightbulbs in my cottage until I found the lighting I liked... I still have three bare lightbulbs upstairs!

  10. I can't believe how quickly they did this - how amazing!!! They could probably build an apartment building in 3 days LOL
    You must be dancing all over the place!!!

  11. Hi, Cindy! Catching up on some of your older post. We were on vacay for several days and I couldn't get online. WOW! How exciting to see all the awesome things happening! I know what you mean about the Amish. We had an Amish crew re-shingle(and add a new pitch to part of it) last fall. They tore off the old shingles, too. All done with perfection in less than 5 days time. They are some of the hardest workers I ever seen! I can't wait to see it when it's done!!
    Take care, my bloggy friend!
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage

  12. I was also away and I'm behind on my reading. Just had to say how exciting this is to have your home all brand new and to your specifications and to be able to watch the progress! Lucky girl!


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