

::Making Connections::


(This is what Bogart, the Big Black Dog looks like when he's pondering the meaning of his life with regards to his blog.  Which he hasn't started yet.)

Been pondering again.  Along the lines of my recent post, where I mentioned I've decided again to forgo building a money-making blog.

What I'm REALLY trying hard todo is rebuild the community here, and wondering about commenters.  Are you one? (I love you if you are!)

I've made a dedicated effort to start commenting more on other's blogs without having to spend a hugemonguous amount of time on the computer.  I've also redoubled my efforts to leave comments before I pin something.....remember the whole ::Are you a pin-it and run victim?:: post?  And it's follow-up?  I'd been getting lazy...

That's why I'm loving bloglovin because it takes me to the actual blog where I can leave a comment, then hit 'older'...which is like that 'next' button in Google Reader, and it takes me to the next unread blog on my list.  Fab. Makes my blog-stalking habit so much easier to manage.  Do you follow me on bloglovin yet?  Super easy.

Here's the deal: I would like to add more of your blogs to my own bloglovin know, you guys with similar taste and loves. You guys that for one reason or another like some or most of the random content I put out here.

So here's your chance.

If you have a blog, let me know in the comments so I can pop in.  

(hey guys!)

I can't promise to comment on every single post, but I'd love to know more about my readers, and build my tribe.  Not for big numbers or advertising advantages or whathaveya.  Just for the give and take.  It gets echo-y in here some days. What I will try to do consistently is reply to comments here, BUT you need to make sure I can do that.  Don't be a 'non-reply commenter' or I can't write back!

I also want to start featuring some of you here.  I've said that before, but as my motivation for blogging becomes more clear, I feel it's so important to give other's a place to get noticed by some of us oldies that have been around for awhile.  Some of my favorite blogs were discovered as they were featured by other bloggers.  Heck, I got featured way back when a few times, and it added to my exposure (where or where are all those lovely readers now?  Come baaaaackkkk.  I miss you!)

One last thing....facebook.

Let's be friends.  Go like me.  Especially if you don't have a blog!  I still wanna get to know you, and it's a perfect platform for that, even though facebook can annoy me to end with all their constant changes.  I can't keep up with twitter or Google+, but facebook is familiar, so that's the other place I hang.  Would love to see you over there! If you 'like' my page, be sure to also add me to your daily newsfeed as well as commenting on my statuses.  The more we converse and 'like', the more exposure we all get.  Win-win.
So, let's connect (or reconnect).  Leave me a comment about yourself and/or your blog.  Let's rebuild a tribe of folks with serious ::cottage instincts::


  1. I'm not nearly as crafty as you are (I think you are fabulous by the way) but I adore this blog and what you have to say.

    May today be a great one!

  2. I have been reading your blog since, oh like, forever! Love your style, your honesty and your willingness to be "real". I went over to FB and liked you. Now, go to mine please and like me!

    I blog under a couple of names -
    and the business one

    (I appear to have a multiple personality disorder!)

  3. I saw your post on facebook and decided to comment over here :)

    I blog at

    And I already follow you on Bloglovin :)

    Happy Thursday!

  4. Ack, I forgot to leave the link to my blog....I'm at

  5. Anonymous16.5.13

    I'm a spotty blogger but here's my link,

  6. Hey Cindy, I love reading your blog. I'm a big do-it-myselfer and you always give me inspiration to try new projects. One of the things I love about your blogging style is your very personal approach. My own blog is more about personal style, but I do anticipate incorporating more life and design aspects in future. I use the fact that I'm in a rental as an excuse right now. I'm still trying to figure how to connect with readers, gain some readers, and not spend all my hours at the computer.

    Sue xo

    A Colourful Canvas

  7. Hi Cindy, I've been reading your blog for a few years now. Hope you can visit now and then,

  8. I've been reading your blog since I began reading blogs. I comment every now and then, but sometimes I just get caught up in life and don't, which is not very nice now that I think of it, since I still read every post. So let me "connect": I have a small fisherman's cottage near the sea in Brittany, France and I'm renovating it one project at a time...

  9. Cindy--I'm a Michigander from birth & at heart but I've lived among Hoosiers for almost 30 years!

    Btw, are you related to Cheryl at cherylsblogdoodles?

  10. Hi, Cindy! Already following you on Bloglovin' (I love using that site, too!) I also friended you on facebook - that's how I saw this post!!! Love all your "cottage-y" posts!! And you are so crafty - not in a cunning way, either!! LOL!! I actually have 2 blogs -
    Cairn Cottage (
    Christ in the Clouds
    Come on over and check them out sometime(comments are welcomed, but not necessary.) ~ Ann


    What a sweet idea. I've enjoyed reading and following yours.

  12. So apparently I need to get on board with Bloglovin. I've been holding out because I feel like it's another new thing to learn. I love learning, but like you...keeping up with Google+ and Twitter...yikes. I only have so much time in a day!

    I've been a reader of your blog for awhile now and have really enjoyed that you've started writing again. :)

    I blog at:

  13. I just started using bloglovin and you are so makes it easier to keep up and interact with our sister bloggers. I always look forward to reading your posts because you are just so down to earth. Keep it coming!

  14. Hi Cindy,
    I'm guilty! I have not been posting or visiting nearly as much as I want to, so I'm going to look into Bloglovin to help me out. Meanwhile, I do dream of having more than 75 followers! Lets do it!
    PS: I totally enjoy your writings and fabulous projects and pictures!

  15. I love reading your blog, and apologize for not commenting more often. I read blogs on my iPad with a blog app and it is kind of a pain to leave comments. I do have a blog that I have only blogged on twice! I feel overwhelmed by all the workings of how to blog that I just haven't tried to really sit down and learn how to do it and add photos and such!

  16. HI Cindy,,
    I'm down in Australia and thought I'd pop in and say hi for some bloglovin' !:)

  17. instagram is another great place to make connections! (i don't have a blog, just throwing out more options for you :) ).

  18. Hi Cindy, found you via MMS, love your little bench seat. Will jump over and 'like' you on fb, I'm there too if you would like to visit me!

    My blog is
    I'm still learning but I'm loving the blog world :)
    Alison x


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