

::Girlie Girl Birthday Party::

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My Grandbaby Robyn Rose just rounded her first year, and we partied on Sunday to commemorate the occasion.
Pinterest helped. Duh.

Robyn's mommy, my daughter Kristen, worked for a couple months crafting all manner of decor during Robyn's naptimes.  

Mighty proud of her...not just for her decorating/crafting abilities, but for being such a terrific mama to my grandbaby.   See her below with her big sis Maddie, who hosted the shindig at her place.

I only pitched in by bringing the serving pieces, fake flowers (I own a plethora, as I don't get along with real flowers as yet), and styling the cake table.

Kristen made all the cupcakes and cakepops.  Robyn's cake was two hearts stacked.

Love the wee candy cups and cupcake wrappers she used!

(dollar store candlesticks, plates and bowl made into a cupcake stand...

Everything looked so sweet and springy and festive...

Especially the Queen of the Festivities....
Here she is just hangin' out with her bink.  
And wondering why all these people with cameras are surrounding her....

Wait a sec...what is that?

Now that looks interesting.....

Are you kidding me?  I get to eat this?
All by myself even?

You mean I get to *SMASH* this?  

Now THIS is what I call a party.

It was (ahem) a smashing success, and all Kristen's hard work paid off.....I told her she was setting a dangerous precedent, but in these days of Pinterest, all bets are off, yo.

I'm just in awe how my wee grandgirl went from this...

to this in just a year's time...

And although I don't celebrate her with a party and all the party trimmings everyday, 
I DO celebrate her presence in my life every single morning.  
Can't wait til they live next door so I can get my Robyn Rose fix everyday! 

So how'd my daughter do?  She's got some skillz, eh? And BTW,  how cute is Robyn?  *wink*


  1. oh my word.....soooo lovely! Your daughter did a wonderful job, of course I'm sure you made some creative impressions over the years. ;) That grandbaby is so precious! Happy birthday to her!

    Well done, Grandma! :)

  2. I can't believe she's a year old already! Congratulations. Beautiful party, beautiful girl.

  3. What a beautiful party for a beautiful little girl!

  4. Everything looks beautiful. I'm your newest follower.

  5. What a beautiful granddaughter you have! I love all the pink and girly touches at the party! As a boy mom, I have to live vicariously through girl moms (and grandmas!) to get my girly fix! Everything was so perfect! I popped over from The Shabby Creek Cottage--thanks for sharing!

    ~Abby =)

  6. Now THAT'S a party! You and your daughters rocked that décor! And that little granddaughter is precious.

  7. I'm afraid (envious?)for all the moms that are living in a pinterest saturated world.

    It's obvious your daughter had some skills passed down to begin with. It's one thing to be able to hack something you pinned - but to pull it all together like that? Takes something more. Simple lovely. Although who needs decorations with Robyn in the room? She makes me miss having a one year old.

    (did I actually say that?)

  8. What a really great post. I love to see these pics and I was there. Thanks, Cindy.

  9. you are surrounded by precious girls. What an amazing celebration.

  10. Kristen is her mamma's daughter! :)
    Robyn is soooo cute! time sure flies, I can't believe she's one already. You're right, pinterest changes everything!

    Happy belated birthday to your precious wee one! next door? how cool is that!


  11. ADORABLE! So sweet, definitely worth all her hard work. I love it.

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