

::ways with walls::

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Let me introduce you to my pretty dang awesome lil' sis Bubs.

I'm kinda jealous of her 'cause she was a gramma before me.

But this is about the wicked cool stencil treatment she did on one of her family room walls.  She doesn't blog, but posted these on her facebook page and I snagged 'em.  That's what big sisters do.  They snag things from younger siblings.

BEFORE (she'd already taken down pics and such, it isn't always this b.o.r.i.n.g):

AFTER  Shazam!

Doesn't that look cool?  I'm soooo tempted to stencil a wall.  I think putting faux board and batten and then doing a stencil above would be perfection in my hallway.  Here's a closeer look:

I know.  I really like the color she chose for the stencil.  Of course I don't know what that color is called, but if you're interested I can get it.  I have magic powers honed over the years.

EDIT:  Here's what Bubs says about the products and process:
Hobby Lobby for both.  Stencil is Stencil Easy which you can find online for more variety.  Paint color is Folk Art acrylic #953-Camel.  For my large wall it took 3 bottles of paint that I dilluted just a smidge.  I used a natural sponge. VERY easy to line up...took about 4 hours total :).

So what about you?  Into stencils at all?  They're certainly not what they were in the 80s and 90s.  True dat.

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  1. Great stencil. I love what a stencil can do to a room. I just found some old stencils I had from the 90's...boy have things changed for the better.

  2. I wonder how big the stencils were and how long it took to make the pattern connect so nicely?


  3. It is beautiful! And I get tired arms just looking at it.
    Wow your sister sure has staying power (she must get that from her big sis). Tell her I said it is gorgeous!

  4. It is so pretty and such an eye-catcher without being overpowering. I like it but don't know if I would have the patience to do it. She did a great job! That little one she's holding is cute as a button!

  5. Just wondering which company she purchased it from and the name of the stencil/ It looks perfect.

  6. I love that stencil! I agree- they are nothing like the 80's 90's stencils which I hope to never see She did a great job-it looks wonderful. She is a pretty lady, too! x0 Diana

  7. They've come a long way, haven't they? Love that transformation - tell your sis she did a great job!


  8. Love the now tempted to try stenciling a wall, too. You and your sister look so much alike - can tell you are sisters! Tell her she did a great job!
    Take care - Sonnie

  9. That looks great! Pretty but not too much.

  10. Your sis did a great job! Love it!

    I love a good stencil. Key word *good.* Some are still too stuck in the past. I really, really, really want to do a stencil above bead board in my dining room, but alas, we have knock-down on our walls which would not make for clean lines. Boo.

  11. Neat! I am thinking about doing something like that with tone on tone. (high gloss on the same color)I have older walls that are textured and I am not sure how that will work...

  12. Donna27.5.12

    Nice, wow, wish I had the patience.


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