

Found a bit of my decorating mojo.

Believe it or not, it was stuffed under 65 million wooden frames in the back of the garage.  

Who'd a thunk?

Whilst purging many beloved materials for projects I had great inspiration for, I repeated the phrase "It's ok, breathe, there's more junk where this came from when I have the time and energy."  

And of course I mean junk in the nicest way possible.  

Watching friends carry off yards of yummy fabric that were to become dandy throw pillows, a cottagey duvet cover, or luxurious curtain panels....or candles or frames or craft supplies or SPRAY PAINT (Omg...I gave away SPRAY PAINT people!) or perfectly patina'ed scraps of this and that.....I had to keep reminding myself that getting rid of it was the lesser of the two evils I faced.  

The greater evil was actually holding onto so much stuff I didn't even know what I had anymore, even though it  weighed as mental clutter on my overtaxed brain-o. My energy is better spent on projects I can handle NOW, that make me feel I've accomplished at least a little thing or two (or four).  Is it wrong, though, to grieve candlestick holders as they traipsed their way down the driveway in someone else's mitts? *sigh*  
May they live long and prosper on another's mantle.

Anyway, under and behind the plethora of projects in larvae stage that have languished for months on end, I found a few things I could actually tackle.  I'm currently doing a bit of a refresh on the master bedroom, and these are the projects that made the cut.


Please don't ask me what this is, cause I have no freakin' clue, but it's kinda nifty, eh?  
I came up with a new-fangled use for it, and hubs hung it up tonight.  Curious?

An old mirror I picked up at the ReStore eons ago.  
Got a new paint treatment and is gracing it's new spot over my antique dresser in sheer perfection.  

My gramma's old sewing cabinet.  
Finally broke down and made the old girl over. The cabinet, not my gramma.

As you can see, I use it for jewelry....

And, my friends, hubs actually took me out to a secondhand furniture shop and bought me this beauty:

Please imagine it sprayed a deep textured brown, as that is how it was reincarnated into a thing of extreme awesomeness.  Makes me happy just thinking about it.

Oh, and we happened to pick up this little number at the shop first real vanity.  
Tragically it had that splendiferous orange oak stain, so I bathed her in Heirloom White.
Still contemplating either shabby-fiying it, or perhaps doing a wipe-on/wipe-off stain dealio.

So what I'd like you to remember is that when you purge all the projects you had high hopes for, it leaves room for finishing the really important projects....and room for buying yet new projects.  *shrug*  
At least I got these finished within 48 hours of purchasing them :)  

New rule for the cottage chick:  no buying any project paraphenalia unless it can be finished and used/sold within 4 weeks.  Wish me luck on that one folks.  I already hit the ReStore a couple days ago and walked away with 3 more potential projects.  The clock is ticking, 3 weeks till they get Goodwilled.

I've got some sewing to do, but I'll show y'all how the pieces look in their new home in the next few days.
(Yep, the room's still blue and brown, just decided to tweak a bit.)


  1. Oh- I am proud of you -That quick of a turnaround? Amazing! I have a pile waiting for me in the garage...I NEED to get busy! xo Diana

  2. I was excited to see a post from you! I miss your posts, as I enjoyed your decorating sense, but most of all your sense of humor and down to earth attitude. Looking forward to seeing your makeover!!!

  3. Your vanity and bed are fabulous and so is the mirror and sewing cabinet. I so need to do the same thing in my garage. It's just too hot right now, but come fall I am going to be all over it. Can't wait to see the room. Hugs, Marty

  4. Hi kiddo, Just found your blog tonight (thru Vintage Chic-Julie) I have made your blog part of my fav's list. I enjoy your postings and see that you have many talents! My heart wants to "bleed" just thinking of the difficulties that have been tumbled your way lately. I'll be praying! I admire the way you are organizing not only your garage, your home but your life and family. You rock! But...{gasp}one thing I'm trying to picture GAVE AWAY spray paint???!!! WOW! That's some serious stuff right there! ;-)

    Just keep on keepin'on...and..."baby steps" TTYL

  5. I just found your blog and saw that you turned an old sewing cabinet into a jewelry cabinet and I did the same thing with a $20 thrift store find.....great minds think alike...check it out if you wanna....

    Have a great week..

  6. Getting rid of stuff is so liberating. So happy you found friends who would happily take it off your hands. When we moved we stuffed as much of our stuff in the moving truck as we could and we gave away the rest. It felt good doing it too. Happy you are blogging again. I have missed your posts.


  7. Oh my, you sound like me. My daughters are threatening an intervention. I like watching "hoarders" because it makes me feel normal.
    Kudos on the finished projects. I will be on the lookout for the reveal. Ginger :)

  8. Sewing cabinet turned into Jewelry cabinet is a great idea! And I can't wait to see what you did with the Play Pen rails! LOL I'm pretty sure that is what they are. My kids all used one of the old wood ones. Wish I still had it.

  9. Cindy,

    Good for you! It's wonderful to lose oneself in creating but not necessarily the projects and supplies!
    I think buying (even at thrift stores) and clutter is a distraction in many peoples lives. It is hard to let go. Looking forward to seeing your tweaked master bedroom. You always do a wonderful job decorating and creating.

    Your Friend,

  10. Yes, I am curious! I'm glad you're getting some of your mojo back. What a painful way to do it, though. Giving away spray paint! OUCH!

  11. I did the same thing a few years ago. That's not to say that I haven't added to it at all (some things are just too good to pass up!) but I have it under control.

    I was very excited about a piece that I picked up a couple of weeks ago bc I had it in the shop in less than a week! Woo-hoo!

  12. Looking forward to seeing those transformations! I know just what you mean about getting rid of stuff... it really can muddle your brain having too many unfinished projects. When I get rid of stuff that way I call it "zenning" my house (and brain!)

  13. Anonymous12.7.11

    Super happy you found your mojo : )

  14. Glad to see you got some mojo back. Believe me, I know how hard it is to purge those potential projects! Not sure I could have let go of the spray paint though, that must have been rough. ;)
    Love the items you kept. Could that wooden railing be part of a portable playpen? looks like the one my mom had when we were kids.
    Good luck with your new resolution. I wish I could be that strong!

  15. Oh well done... decluttering is always wonderful, feels great when it's done!

    I love those play pen rails (agree with the comment above, that's what I thought they were too). Love to see what you do with those. I love red, so I think I'd paint 'em red and hang them just above a bed as a kind of headboard look. Would be interesting!!

    Linda. x

  16. Sometimes we just need a break.....but the 'mojo' does come back!

    OMG, I had the exact wood folding rack years back. I hung it in the bathroom with towels. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

    Blessings and welcome back,


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