

Images from Christmas 2010

So I hear tell some of y'uns have already de-Christmasfied your homes.  
Not I, said the cottage chick.  
Mostly because we're hosting my hubby's family Christmas here on Friday.  
My tree is  beyond dead a tad crunchy.  

In the meantime, this week we've done lots of this:

and this:

So hubs and I started this:

Anyway, in the past you guys always seem to appreciate pics of my Mom's most excellent cottage instincts, so here's some snippets of her home all dolled up for the holly-days. 

Here's the fabulous tree, which I failed to capture well. *rolling eyes*  You guys would sooooo understand her frustration when the family came in and dumped their UN-coordinated presents in front of hers.  

She was all like "I wanted you to see how cute the presents looked 
so you could put them on your blog..." 
 I understand Mom.  Oh how I understand.

So here's a couple shots of her coordinated cuteness, up close and personal.

Right outta Macy's eh?  Now check this out.....
she took the coffee filter wreath idea and made little snowballs for her tree!  
How cute is this?

Lots of sentimental, colorful ornaments:

And a big ole bow with red squigglies expoding out the top.  Very Type 1, I might add...

Since I last posted pictures of Mom's place, she's painted her kitchen cabinets.  
Correction:  She HAD the cabinets painted.  
They also changed out the hardware and added crown molding. LOVE.

And how 'bout this cute red chair?  Yep.

Her centerpieces are always fun 'cause the playful ceramic reindeer take center stage:

And Christmas isn't Christmas without dozens of cookies to tempt us all afternoon....

There ya have it.  My mom's got serious cottage instincts, dont'cha agree?

I've been reading your blogs when I can, but haven't taken time to comment since I got so behind!  I think there was over 650 items in my Google Reader yesterday.  Last year the blogsphere was quiet the week between Christmas and New Years...this year yowsa!   

I have some fun things to share, but for the next few days I may not be around much.  
I'm relishing these few quiet days after the hustle of last weekend.  Even editing pics seems like work :)
I'd love to get a post ready for Rhoda's Top 10 Projects of 2010, but we'll see.  

Speaking of seeing....I also got new glasses. 


  1. Oh I can so relate to this post.

    We will have the tree up until after this next week.

    Love the presents which reminds me I must get to the $1 store tomorrow and pick up some of those snowflakes I have great plans for them next year. :)

    The cupboards look FABULOUS! Love the color! The appliances just pop.

    Oh the stool, I just thought about bringing mine out of the basement, giving it a fresh coat of paint and allowing the 2.5 year old granddaughter that lives here a chance to learn about cooking in the kitchen. I'm very excited.

    Super cute glasses, I need to do that this year too, I'm beginning to be blind as a bat!

    Happy Holidays!

    :) Teri

  2. the presents all look super cute! and i LOVE your glasses! they look so good on you!

  3. Oh I get the wrapping presents to coordinate- heck this year I bought only one style of wrapping paper so they'd look uniform. haha

    I LOVE your red glasses. I busted mine on the 26th so I get to go in later next week and get some new ones for my aging eyes.

    enjoy your week- take it easy because I see this 2011 as being a busy cottage-y year.

  4. Cindy,

    Our tree is still up and we will also be having company this weekend to celebrate Christmas.
    Being cursed with perfectionism, I totally understand your mother.
    Loving her white kitchen!

    Happy New Year, my friend,

  5. Love your mom's kitchen!! We are having ours done in the Spring, so it is good to see what ours will look like in advance!
    Cute glasses!

  6. How cute is your mom's house! I really like her kitchen!! :) Happy Holidays!

  7. Love your mom's kitchen! Her presents look fantastic. Hope one of these years mine will coordinate!

  8. Oh I love your Mom! I'll bet she is a lot of I know where YOU get it from...and I love her snowballs on the tree. She can always use them for coffee making if she tires of the snowballs!

    Love your new glasses too..Very chic! Now you can read all 650 posts - but.then..what will you do in your spare time? just wonderin' xxoo Diana

  9. Love love your Mom's kitchen. She has fabulous taste.

  10. That was soooo fun!

    Now RUN from the computer and enjoy the season! Once my son returns home, I'm running too for the last haul.


  11. Your mom's house looks great! She definitely has the cottage instinct! I still have my tree up and will probably take it down next week sometime. (my mom took hers down and ALL her snowmen the day after Christmas! lol!) Your mom's presents are BEAUTIFUL, so nice of her to think of your blog! AND you look LOVELY in your new glasses!

    Have a Happy New Year!

  12. I always love my visits here with you and I adore your new glasses! You look stylin'!

  13. Anonymous3.1.11

    I love the super cute red chair! I've always wanted one. In fact, I don't even have a step stool in this kitchen yet because I'm holding out for a similar one!

  14. cute glasses...cute stool...cute presents...CUTE!
    How are you liking t-tapp? My oldest dd actually flew to florida to become certified and met teresa...i saw results *when* i did it:)

  15. Your mom's cabinets look great! Are they white or a pale gray? I still have to do mine, ugh!

    Your new glasses are very cute. They look a lot like mine :) Oh the similarities!


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