

Giving Thanks.

Ok, now that that's out of the way.....

Fiddled with my mantle today....I needed to take down everything in preparation for the great popcorn removal party next weekend, but I didn't want to look at an empty space all week, so I pared everything down a bit with a Thanksgiving theme.

 I'm so not happy with my camera.  Just so you know.  I can never get the light right in here.  So you get to see grainy shots each and every time I decide to showcase this cave of a room.

I made that banner last year.  I'd iron it, but it's only going to be up for a week.  If by some miracle the popcorn ceiling frenzy only takes one week, I'll press it and rehang it.  For now, pretend they're flat, k?

Not gonna lie, I am sooooooo tempted to paint that brick.  My fingers actually itch with temptation.  I'm hoping covering the top portion above the ledge with white panels will help.  

I'm sharing this little diddy with Momma Hen's Thanksgiving inspired decor linky HERE.


  1. Your mantel looks gorgeous!! I love it!

  2. Love the mantel. Too bad my daughters room isnt complete at all. I just finished her bed, and I still need to paint. urg!

  3. Of course your banner is flat. I see no wrinkles at all and it looks great.

    Good luck removing the popcorn.

  4. I like your mantel. It looks very fall and festive and thanksgiving-y.

    Good luck depopcorning the ceiling.

  5. Blessings and prayers,

  6. Looks great, Cindy. I once painted a brick fireplace too...and was really happy with the results. That being said...that's a huge fireplace you got there. Would your husband die? Tis a brave wench that will put a brush to that beauty- Hugs-Diana

  7. I love how you are always tweaking yo stuff! Looks great! Glenco painted a brick fireplace for a friend of his....I would be tempted, but too chicken : < >

  8. Oh Me likey! :P Can't wait to see what you do with the panels... And bet you can't wait to say goodbye to that ceiling! I can't say I blame ya....

  9. I love your tweaks! I have a bunch of vintage clutter on my mantel in need of editing... Am inspired (as usual) now. Also appreciated your admission of lighting troubles... I just (FINALLY) linked to your kids party after procrastinating due to poor pics. Thanks for hosting!

  10. Popcorn removal! Come do mine okay? At least give us all the details so I know what to do and not to do. Love you tweak. You are such a good tweaker!

  11. Cindy, I LOVE your mantle!! Our mantle is one of the things I ALWAYS struggle with...nothing ever looks right. Can you pop on over to give me some advice ? Yours is gorgeous and I LOVE the banner:) ~ Tina xx

  12. Looks great! Good luck with the popcorn removal - it will all be over soon.


  13. I love your fireplace. What color would you paint it?

  14. Cindy, we had some popcorn ceiling removed in our bathrooms several years ago. But if I had it to do over, I'd cover it with bead board. I ended up with respiratory problems, but then I have asthma. We also had our brick fireplace covered. The guy did it with plywood and marble. We love it.

  15. Oh, I'm assuming you meant the popcorn ceiling. Maybe you meant something else!

  16. your mantel looks fabulous. I love the banner. I think I need to make one ;)

  17. Love your mantle & fireplace surround decor. The white accessories really work with the brick. Don't worry about ironing the banner - it looks just fine the way it is.

  18. I LOVE your mantle!! I love each and every detail . Esspecially the doves holding up the banner. It look totally FAB . Thank you so much for sharing it with me. I think I will hold this holiday linky more often, I enjoy seeing everyones work!

  19. I definitely love your knack for mantles! Of course the holidays get me anyway. Maybe I'll be a designer specializing in the holidays!!!

  20. ~*~It really looks so pretty!! :) Im having a hard time decorating my mantle of in a slump!!~*Yours is lovely~*~Hugs, Rachel~*

  21. Your mantle looks awesome Cindy...I love it! I 've been wanting to make a banner like that, maybe for Christmas. Good luck with the popcorn party...hope it goes well but I don't envy you. ~Deb~

  22. And...I painted our brick fireplace white last year and have had no regrets...I love it! ~Deb~

  23. This looks great! Love the mantel too. I know what you mean about "itching to paint" something. I love the look of painted brick especially when it looks like the paint has weathered off a bit. Can't wait to see what you do.

  24. Your mantle looks so, so pretty. I love the banner and your choice of white and neutral colors -- so easy to live with. And, as pretty as this is I'd want to keep it like this for a while!


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