


I have been contemplating whether or not to start my Monday Link party again.  I even removed my button from the sidebar.  It's been several months since I stopped doing it because life was just so ding dang crazy.  Since Mi4M went on sabbatical, though, it seems there are gillions of new (and old) link parties to join.  It kinda feels redundant, though I love seeing all the great stuff y'all link up.  Saves me the trouble of visiting all the other link parties.....I just wonder if it's past it's prime.  But I'm open to firing up the old engine again. What say you, my faithful followers?  

And thanks, by the way, for hanging with me thru the spring when I couldn't post as much.  It makes my day to read your comments.....I still enjoy sharing my decorating schizophrenia, mishaps and adventures with you all.  It's nice to have community with other like-minded folks just as decor-crazed as I am.  Knowing there are tons of other women laying awake at night, same as me, wondering what color to paint that dresser, or where to move the couch,  how many dropclothes it takes to slip a couch, or what the next blog post will be.....well, it just makes me smile.  I like you's guys.


  1. Looking forward to it :-)

  2. Bring it back! I always enjoyed your linky party!


  3. I will love taking part if you decide to bring Mi4M back.

  4. It may make me get off my lazy buttocks and finally do something. I am such a slough!

  5. Well, it seemed awfully popular, but I never did have the time to participate - poo. So, I guess my vote is neutral!

  6. Hi!
    There are a lot of parties out there, but some are better than others, so I say bring it back!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  7. well ... I've only known what a "link party" was for about three weeks now (sad I know, please don't tell me how old I am) and I am finding that when I look at someone's link thumbs I see a few new ones and a few repeats with whomsoever I am viewing. They are quick to skim over if I've seen one and stand out when I haven't. Not sure if that helps you or not.

  8. I think you should bring it back, it'll mean YOU'LL be back more! I've missed your almost daily witty posts and awesome transformations!

  9. Bring it back! I still have the button on my side bar and I check in on occasion to see if it's here. :)

  10. Bring it back! I still have the button on my side bar and I check in on occasion to see if it's here. :)

  11. I only got to participate a few times but would love to come back and link up again.


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