

Cottage Porch Dreamin'.

PSSSST...I'm no longer blogging here!
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I'm just random enough to decide in an afternoon that I need to paint an entire room.  In fact, I'll even paint an outdoor room in 90+ degrees when the muse beckons.  Because, if you're like me, you know inspiration and energy don't often hit at the same when they collide, you don't ask stupid questions like "Do I have enough paint?"  You just grab that brush and do your thang.

The addition of this helped motivate me as well...

...seeing as I'll be spending inordinate amounts of hot, muggy hours keeping an eye on the boys.  It's an eye-sore, but hey, when you've got 2 little guys climbing the proverbial and literal walls in your house because it's too ding dang hot to do anything outside except get close your eyes and turn on the hose.  And clean up lots of dog poop.

We've now lived in our home for 2 years.  I've fiddled with our back screened porch off an on, but generally got frustrated and threw in the towel.  In fact I've bought and sold lots of different kinds of furniture for out there...all weather wicker, a wooden swing, an iron table and chairs. Nothing really said

"hey now, *this* looks fabulous!"  

And I want fabulous...especially when I have to see a gigantic blue plastic pool just beyond the blessed screens.  I knew it would need a lot of elbow grease to paint (cedar walls, cement floor), and that's why until now, it had slipped to the bottom of my 'to redo' list.

Here's where we started (previous owners stuff):

Such a sad little place.  But lots of potential, no?  Well, today I pulled out the white trim paint I used on the front of the house last summer and began painting all those grooves.  First, of course, I killed all the creepy-crawlies with this, which creeps me out almost as much as the real thing....I mean look at that picture:

  *willies* ew.
Then I got busy cramming exterior paint into all the grooves out there.  I now have one coat on everything.  Looks like it'll take 2 at least.  I know.  I hope to finish that up tomorrow and then get busy on the floor, which I'm thinking will be white too.

I only have one inspiration picture, but I'm hoping to find some more.  I love the blues and reds/pinks.  And the browns.  Yum.  I believe this is from BH&G.

Unfortunately I don't have lovely wicker furniture.  But I still love the colors.  As I said, yum.
I'll update again this weekend with progress.  Unless of course the muse strikes me with inspiration for  another room....just sayin'.


  1. Hey my sweet neighbor wanna be - I swear I'm calling you in a few days after this Garden Walk, and coming to see you soon too! I so need a fix of Cindy. I have the same pool! DId you know that!? It's just so dang blue isn't it? But, in the weather we've been having, I can't say that it doesn't feel divine. The porch has SO much potential, and if there is anyone that can pull it off - it's you dear. Talk soon. : <>

  2. Oh how I can relate. I gave my porch a make-over at about 2 in the afternoon on July 3rd. Not that unusual unless you consider that the mini make-over was brought on by the urge to paint a flag. My house was one big gigantic mess. Countless projects in various stages of completion, and I just had to stop everything and decorate the porch for the Forth. It's a sickness.
    I'll be checking back tomorrow to see your progress.

  3. We have that same pool too. And although it's just ugly, you can't beat it when it's 95 with 100% humidity. I do love your screened in porch. I think the white walls will be gorgeous! I hope you have better luck with your white floor than I did with our front steps. My husband suggested I use a darker color, but I really wanted the almost white. Definitely an "I told you so" moment!

  4. I am excited to see the finished project! Lucky you to have a place like that.

  5. I'm really going to enjoy seeing the end result. You'll love being out there (with a fan or two and some iced tea, of course).

    :) Laura

  6. I think that great minds think alike. I have had my porch on my mind also. I don't have a potentially fabulous spot like yours though. I do have lots of creepy crawlies though. I have missed you so much! It's such a pleasant surprise to see you post! It really makes my day!

  7. Cindy!

    So glad to see you. Thought you and Jayme took off to an exclusive spa for the summer (if only!) I can relate to your spontaneous design projects -- they are the only kind I have. Your porch will look great after you've had your way with it. The boys will be in heaven all summer swimming and keeping cool. It was 102 here yesterday. YUCK!

    Your Friend,

  8. It is really hot here too and luckily my sister (with pool) only lives two streets away! We are swimming every day.
    Your porch is going to look fabulous. The inpiration photo is great and white paint is sure to brighten and calm everything.

  9. Love that inspiration picture so I can't wait to see how this turns out. I'm about to start work on a sunroom that's similar so I'll be checking in on the progress.

  10. That's what I did today, randomly decided it was time to paint the hall, after having painted it red a year ago it was time to go. Only got done with 3-4 coats of primer in this 90 degree heat before I couldn't stand it anymore. At least it is white now!

  11. What a wonderful space to redo! I would love to one day have a space like that. My mom has one and that is where we spend most of our time when we visit. Can not wait to see the final redo!

  12. OH TO HAVE A PORCH!!!! I live in a victorian terraced house so no chance of a porch for me!!
    I cant wait to see the end result!!
    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend x
    Annie x

  13. Can't wait to see how your porch come out.
    I have actually been making mine white, well at least furniture and accessories.
    I know it will be lovely when you are finished.

  14. Anonymous21.7.10

    Yes the picture is definately Better Homes and Gardens. I looked at that same picure and one before it over and over and willed myself to not cut it out to keep! :) I love the colors too. Beth


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