

hello? hello?...this thing on?

I'm shocked that I still have followers after such long silences between posts, but thankful that so many still cling to the hope that I'll get back to blogging here.  I can't tell you how guilty I feel.  Mostly because I don't feel that guilty, but I didn't just type that out loud.


Anyway, I *will* begin some regular blogging after Saturday....which is when my daughter will graduate, we'll do her Open House, and I will promptly crash and burn for the following 24 hours.....

.....then I shall dutifully take up the  pen keyboard and camera (which I cannot find right now...grrrrr) and begin again chronicling my decorating faux pas, attempts, and perhaps a few successes.  I've completely revamped some furniture, and did an entire room re-do that I will show you soon. Having been practicing dressing and decorating My Truth, it's not taking as long to pull together my look, despite being overwhelmed with choices. I will also be adding some homeschooling posts in here, since that takes an enormous amount of creative energy, and well, my kids are cute and it's my blog. 

In the meantime, I've seen several bloggers do this thing that kinda interests me.  They open themselves to questions from commenters.  This kinda, sorta scares me, but then I'm a pretty open book.  So here's your opportunity to ask the Cottage Chick any old think you'd like.  I don't promise to answer every single one, but I will do my best.  I'll be sure to have a plate of Oreos nearby to sustain me.

So, what's eatin' ya?


  1. Joanne B.9.6.10

    ooh! ooh! I'm first? First of all, glad to see you back. I was checking everyday... Love the collage print of your beautiful daughter! I have a beauty that jsut graduated too. Love the idea of the collage of all her faces and styles! My question is, was it done professionally, or did you do it yourself? If you did, can you tell me how? Thanks in advance!

  2. Your daughter is a very pretty young lady. I wish her much success in life.

  3. Hi Cindy-
    Glad to see your smiling face back in my reader. Your daughter is so pretty and looks alot like you. I just posted about how my two have grown before my eyes and then they are gone. What number is she in your children's birth order?

    Congratulations to Kristen and best of luck with the Open House. Enjoy.


  4. Hi Cindy
    Congrats on your beauty graduate!!! Gosh she is stunning just like you. So glad to know that you will be soon returning with your uber coolness.

    Have a great weekend

    Love ya

  5. Welcome back! You have been missed. I don't have any questions, just was compelled to say hi as I snack on oreos- I saw it as a sign!

  6. What a beautiful collage -- your daughter is gorgeous! Don't worry about the blogging world -- these are days you'll want to cherish and enjoy!

  7. I kept checking and checking, now finally, you're back. Sorta. Well, I can't believe you'd let a little thing like LIFE interfere with your blogging!!!
    My youngest "graduated" middle school today, ceremony tomorrow and then a party and celebration, and then she leaves on trip to the East coast with her classmates. (and - remember I'm doing all this stuff just for 8th grade!)So I get it, you're just a little busy right now!!
    Take your time, enjoy everything, and then when you really get back you can share it all with us!!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  8. Ps. I also meant to add, how lovely your daughter is, and congratulations to her, and to you, too!

  9. I'm just trying to catch up on everyone's blogs right now. Congrats to your beautiful daughter! Can't wait to see what you've been working on.

  10. Ah your are going to be back! Great. Can't think of any questions right now, but when I do, I'll be sure to start asking.
    Good luck with the open house.

  11. Congratulations to your daughter. Beautiful photos of her!! Good luck with the open house and hope to have you back soon!

  12. Missed ya! And your daughter is gorgeous! =)


  13. Welcome back! Your daughter is beautiful!

    OK, here's a question - what are your favorite Etsy sellers?

  14. Like everyone said, your daughter is just beautiful. Congratulations to her and your family. So glad to see you are going to post more often. I can't wait! I like oreos too but a plain ol' Hershey bar is still my favorite.

  15. Happy to see you back! Your daughter is a beauty... looks so much like her mom! ♥ Congrats to her... hope you all enjoy the celebration! -Tammy

  16. welcome back! Your daughter is beautiful! :) Denise


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