

Of Turtles, Snuggi's and Proms. In that order.

Gosh I miss you guys! Life is still out-of-control busy, but I have so much I want to tell you all....unfortunately, most of it will have to wait just a bit longer. Shucky-durn.

That said, I *will* fill you in on the Fred Saga, my mother's day gift, and a poofy dress extravaganza.

When we last saw our hero, brave hubby had just kerplunked Fred into a mud hole in our backyard.  Within the hour, Fred mysteriously disappeared.

But wait!  After some careful prodding with a stick we found Fred had completely submerged himself under the mud with only his two nasty nostrils peeking out.  Now we know why he smelled.
*rolling eyes*

I did a bit of research and concluded that Fred was indeed a snapping turtle, and that they only leave the water in the spring to mate/lay eggs.  We're going with the mating thing.

Anyway, our story picks up below with my son explaining in scientific terms that Fred was in the mud, but now isn't in the mud.  Um, yeah. Anyway, the plot thickens as we discover his trail, find him in the neighbor's yard, and retreat to watch him from our kitchen window. The climax of our adventure is when my daughter must rescue Fred from the evil water hose in our neighbor's yard (and gives us an Oscar-worthy performance of a sarcastic 16 year old who knows everything).  The glorious finale finds our family setting Fred free near a pond where we hope he lived happily ever after.  Get your hankies ready.

Well alrighty then.
Next we have my mother's day gift.  A hot pink Snuggi.  Yes, we all laughed for about 4 hours as I imitated the frightening dance in the commercial.  Yes, this was posed.  I feel somewhat magical when I wear it.  Yes I do.

By the way, I love my free dinky flashlight too.

Lastly, we have the poofy dress extravaganza.  My daughter's senior prom.  Yee Haw.

In more ways than one.....

I've got decorating to share soon.  I've been helping a girlfriend with her house, and I'm remaking my front room into a chic homeschool room.  Yes indeed, da boyz be comin' back home.  



  1. You have a beautiful daughter! And by the way, I love your glassed. Too cute. : )

  2. Correction: GLASSES...not glassed. haha

  3. The youtube video was too cute! Typical mom, panicking that someone's going to get electrocuted!

    Your daughter looks gorgeous in her dress!

  4. Your daughter is beautiful! Her dress is pretty special too. Looks like a fun night.
    Your turtle incident sounds like how it would unwind here. The boys would be fearless and I would be the mother hen. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Anonymous17.5.10

    Awww...great photos. Your daughter looks just like you. What a beautiful young lady. Oh, how I miss those prom days after raising 3 daughters. They were so much fun and so many fun memories. I still have a closet full of dresses....

  6. Oh I am so glad that you are back! I have missed you sooooooo much! No one looks as cute as you do jumping on my bed.

    Your daughter is just gorgeous! You can tell by the pic of you two that you are related. She is the spitting image of her mama! Also looks like she has her mom's sense of humor! Lucky girl!

    I can't wait to see what mischief you have been getting yourself up to!

  7. Wow, hope you're back Cindy! Missed ya!!!

    Poor Fred(ricka), he really doesn't look all that mean- even for a snapping turtle. Hope he likes his new home!

    and Lol, you make a Snuggi look good! A hot pink one, none the less! Might have to get me one of those- they sure look cozy!

    Your daughter is just beautiful. I bet she had so much fun at prom. She looks so much like you, it's remarkable!

  8. so nice to see you here again. Can't wait to get the inside scoop on what you have been up too.

  9. Cindy,

    So happy to hear from you and glad you will be back to blogging soon. Fred(rica) is better off in a pond doing what snapping turtles do. I could use a snuggi on a day like today - cold and damp, sipping tea and snuggled up to a new book. Your daughter's gown looks like one right out of Cinderella! She is beautiful, Cindy. Yes, she does look a lot like her mama! I am really loving your haircut.

    Stop by and enter my giveaway!


  10. Glad to see you back. And, you have a beautiful daughter, just like her Mother.


  11. Loved the Prom photos! I had 2 daughter's going to Prom this year. My oldest, a senior is going to another one this weekend. She graduates in 3 weeks. I understand how busy you are, because I'm feeling the same way! Plus, we are getting our house ready to put on the market on Memorial Day weekend!

  12. Wonderful family moments. Thank you for sharing them with us!!

  13. Oh that is so fUn..and your daughter is so pretty! Yes she looks like you...that blue dress is gorgeous! Enjoy these moments to the fullest!!! We'll still be hurry.

  14. So great to hear from you! Your daughter is adorable - she looks so much like you. Love the Fred story.


  15. You crack me UP!! That was all simply hilarious. And your daughter is beautiful - just like you. (Even in your pink snuggly! HA!)

    I loved this post, dear. Sending you a big hug.


  16. Those dresses remind me of the scene in Aida when they are singing "My Strongest Suit"!!!

  17. Love the snugglie- so cute- great pic-
    I LOVe the PRom pIcs- so beautiful great background- and your daughter looks so so so pretty- what a dress- cant (kind of)wait for my girls to get there- going into 7th grade so a bit longer-
    Great Posts

  18. I hope she had a great time, she looked beautiful!

  19. Looks like your daughter had a great time. She's just a stunning girl with a beautiful dress. You must be so proud!

  20. Awww bye Fred....glad he is back were he belongs. Loving that pink snuggi! Your daughter is gorgeous not to mention that beautiful dress she has on too!

  21. Too cute on fred! Your daughter looks beautiful and just like you too!

  22. Your daughter is gorgeous and she looks beautiful in her gown. She looks just like you by the way...

  23. All I can say is that y'all breed well, cuz your kids are beautiful and your daughter looked AMAZING in her dress :)

    I have missed you!


  24. Such amazing happenings around your place! Your girl is a beauty, and so is that dress. Wow. Love your snuggi and the cute glasses. I may have to reconsider - maybe a snuggi IS for me :p -Tammy

  25. Hi Cindy,
    Your snuggy cracks me up! my kids always talk about getting one for us & the dog! I think they have the commercial memorized....

    Your daughter is gorgeous & a spitting image of her mom :)

    Take care


  26. Hi!
    You are so funny! I needed a giggle this morning!
    BTW, we've added your blog to the Blog Guidebook ( in the A Day in the Life Of category (but we can change it if you don't like it), and your Monday link party is on our list.
    Please check us out. We're going live June 1st and will have a blog help desk for bloggers in need.
    Hope to see you there!
    (Would you like to do a giveaway with us too? Let us know)
    Thanks so much!
    Sarah B.

  27. Your daughter is very beautiful!

  28. Great post!
    Love the video...precious!
    Love my snuggie too! Mine's cheetah print though...I know, you're jealous.
    Love the prom pictures. Your daughter is beautiful, just like you!
    What's up with the smoochy, smoochy? Are my kids going to do that someday?! Yowza!

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  30. Your daughter is beautiful and she looks just like her momma! I LOVE seeing all those dresses! HOW FUN!


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