

I've got a crush on you.....

Thought it might be fun to shine a spotlight on some bloggers who've been inspiring me lately...think I might do this semi-regularly, as I'm always stumbling on new blogs that impress the daylights outta me.  Bloggers who consistently offer their readers something dandy to walk away with every.single.time.

This week, let me introduce you to:

Isn't she a cutie?  Marianne hails from the Netherlands, and has been uber helpful to me during my blog-identity crisis....she knows a crazy lot about blogging, and is so generous about sharing that info with others.  But seriously, she's got talents WAY beyond blogging tips...

Just check out some of her projects:






And I hate to tell you this, but she sews too:

Marianne has tons of talent, no?  Well if I haven't convinced you yet to get your cyber bum over there, let me tempt you with some 'o dis....

Marianne  schools us on:

and here





Isn't she amazing?  Marianne combines all my favorite elements for a superb blog, one always worth a visit:  
~totally tasty pictures 
~witty and personable writing 
~informative and easty-to-follow tutorials 
~fun giveaways and swaps 
~thrifting/flea market/antique fun 
~awesome crafts 
~out of this world decor and style by the mile!  

I never leave her blog without some kind of inpsiration.  She's also kind, generous, and humble.
Basically, she is one of my very favoritists in the blogging community. :) 

There's so, so, so much more on her site.  You don't know what you've been missing!
Click on over, get your swoon on and be inspired by Marianne, girls.  She's a hidden treasure in the blogosphere.


  1. oh my ... she's gonna be a new friend of mine ... wowza!!!

  2. Anonymous6.3.10


    Time permitting, I too love to look/read at newly found blogs. It's like going to a more intimate staged open house! Thank you for sharing. I'll be sure to pop over.


  3. Anonymous6.3.10

    Marianne, I love all your projects. Your home looks fabulous, what I can see in the photos. Cozy, practical, and yet classy all wrapped into one.

    Cindy, thanks so much for sharing Marianne with us. What a treasure!

  4. great feature cindy!!
    thanks for the link to yet another wonderful blog!!!

  5. Holy smokes!!! AWESOME ! - yup, I'm gonna visit her.

  6. I've been following Songbird for a little while. Her blog is gorgeous and she's super talented. I want to try making her plaster flowers. They are, well, amazing.

    Necel from the Old House in Texas

  7. She does sound awesome. I'm off to see her !

  8. Thanks for introducing me to this lovely lady. Her home looks simply elegant.

  9. On my way....

  10. You've got to stop this..... I don't have time for this.......:-)

  11. Oooh! This is a great idea...

    and Marianne is lovely! Thank you for "sharing" her with us! ; )

  12. That is a lot to digest. I might have to go by a Red Bull and stay up all night! Very tempting. :)

  13. I have a blog crush on Marianne, too! She is super sweet and so talented. What a great feature! :)

  14. Wow!! She's a genius!
    Going over for a visit! THanks for the heads up!

  15. Cindy,
    I'm crushing as well. WOW what a treat for you to share this uber talented gal, I would want to keep her for my very own.:) I love your posts they truly make me smile brightly.

    Love ya

  16. Oh Cindy! I am blushing here! Thank you so very much for these lovely compliments. I gotta stop typing now because my feet are itching to do a happy dance!!

  17. Hi Cindy
    Thanks for the heads up, I will have to drag my cyber bum {like that one} on over there!
    Hope you're having a great Sunday... it is good to be back home - even if it is raining here today

  18. What a beautiful blog! I'll have to come back to this post so that I can give her a visit. I have some serious catching up to do after my blogging hiatus.


  19. My cyber bum is on it's way. You certainly found a gem!

  20. Well, as a fellow Dutch girl, I have to say YAY Marianne ♥ I love her blog, she is a great blog person, kind and sweet. AND not an unimportant factor, she is DUTCH lol.

    Hugs from another Dutch girl, Marian (yes we even have almost the same first name haha)

  21. Isn't she incredible? I found her only last month, and I can't wait to try her plaster roses!

  22. wow what a long post about the lovely Marianne ;)


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