

A Day of Grace.

PSSSST...I'm no longer blogging here!
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Today was the big Sweet Sixteen party for my youngest daughter Gracie!  I thought it might be helpful to show you how easy it is to decorate on the cheap with style.  Two words: Dollar Store.

Of course I didn't get everything there, but lots of the little details, like the fake flowers, crown, stick on words, little painted pots from DS years ago, and a wee stuffed pillow with her name.  Mirror was a consignment store bargain that I painted with the rest of the horde.

Balloons from the DS.  Yes, my 16 year old daughter wanted a princess party.  *shrugging shoulders*

Pink tissue banner from DS.  Flowers were a gift.

Colored plastic tableware, DS.  Also got napkins, plates and cups at DS to match.

Candles, candy and fakey flowers from DS.  Serving dishes are from my collection. (doesn't that sound hoity-toity?)

Served on my diy DS 3 tiered server I made back in the fall. 2 glass plates, a bowl, 2 candlesticks and some epoxy glue. 

Everything else I picked up at party outlets and Walmart.  Balloons, Princess napkins, ribbon, etc.

I splurged for this, even though I coulda prolly made it. 

Another shrine. 

Cake from Sam's Club.  I know y'all want those princess rings. 

I gotta tell ya, my 10 year old son helped me decorate....he spread the plates and napkins out in a psuedo-random way on the table, and I was so proud of him!  Doesn't it look great?

Token artsy shot.

Our family's tradition is to throw a big party for each of our girls when they turn 16, and their daddy presents them a white gold and diamond Promise Ring in front of God and everyone.  (My hubs is on the left).  Then Dad, Gramps, and her two youth pastors pray a blessing for her.

Grace gets her ring....
For old time's sake, here's daddy giving my other two girls their rings on their respective Sweet Sixteenth. Kristen....2007

Our sons get a big shin-dig on their 13th birthday.  Here's my oldest on his 13th in 2001 (btw, he's on the right in the above picture with his wife in blue)

Back to Gracie....

'Twas a fun party, but I'm beat, so I'll have to show you my mirror collage and my spring spruce-ups later this week. I worked my poor hubby so hard yesterday moving furniture and hanging stuff...what a guy.  I have lots to show ya.  But in the meantime, I'll link to Make it for Monday and you all can see everyone else's creativity whilst I crash here:

EDITED 12/18:  I linked up with Rebecca at My Re-Purposed Life to share in her birthday blog party!


  1. Looks like a fun party. Your home is great, Cindy. You decorate so well. Looking forward to more pics!


  2. Oh Mama, you "done good!" Just LOOK at all that. I spied the little pink fuzzy tiara, and I LOVE it!

    Happy Birthday, Gracie girl.

    Here's becoming an adult advice to you: Remember Who made you, and Who loves you, and Who has the very BEST plan to prosper and not to harm you. When the temptations come (and they will) to DOUBT Him, take those doubts to the foot of HIS cross for THAT is where your heart and mind will be filled with his love, joy, and peace.

    Happy birthday!!!

  3. awww, 16 is such a sweet age! I love family traditions, and the promise rings are a great one!
    question? by DS do you mean dollar general store (where things are rounded to nearest dollar) or Dollar Tree (where everything is $1.00) just wondering!
    So many people say "I found this at the dollar store" and I never find anything at my Dollar Tree. That's really the only one I go to. We have a Deals, where things used to be a dollar, but now things are different prices.
    Rest up! You deserve it!

  4. What a precious precious birthday! Your princess party came together beautifully! And don't make fun of her for wanting a princess party, I'll be 31 next week, & I'd still LOVE a princess party!! haha!

  5. HHappy Birthday Gracie! House looks wonderful, and I love the Dollar Store also!!

  6. What a fun party and sweet traditions. Gracie is lucky! Rest up now! Sherry

  7. Very very sweet. I love that yall give your girls rings when they turn 16. How wonderful. Looks like a great time was had by all.

  8. Oh fun is this...I love Birthday parties...Great events. Have you seen My Un-Birthday Party on my blog? Alice in Wonderland fun party.
    Your friend
    gros bisous

  9. Anonymous14.3.10

    What an amazing idea with the promise rings! I love your stuff! Keep up the good work:)

  10. Happy Birthday to Grace - it looks like everyone had a wonderful time.


  11. Happy 16th Gracie! Looks like it was a fabulous party. The rings must be very special to your girls.

  12. Anonymous14.3.10

    Happy Birthday Gracie! What a fun party.

  13. Happy Birthday to Grace! Looks and sounds like with was a great celebration.

  14. I like the meaning your brought to her big event!!

  15. your daughters are all so beautiful! i love that she is never too old for a princess party! ill keep that in mind for my own three girls someday.

  16. Anonymous14.3.10

    There's something for you over at my place!

  17. I just totally got choked up at the WONDERFUL promise ring idea! That is just the most wonderful thing ever! My first baby girl is still only 8 months old, but she is getting a promise ring! I LOVE that idea, and it was so fun to see the tradition with all your daughters. I can't say enough how much I love that idea!

  18. What a sweet party. I bet these things you do for your children mean so much to them and really makes a lasting impression of just how special they are.
    ☺ Celeste

  19. What lucky girls! That is an amazing party you do for your daughters (and sons). Looks beautiful@

  20. Happy birthday to both momma and daughter. It looked like a wonderful party!

  21. Such a Happy Birthday to your entire family...

  22. Oh my gosh, what beautiful decorations! Your daughter is one lucky girl :) happy birthday!

  23. Anonymous15.3.10


    This is proof positive that you do not need to spend a lot of money to decorate and host a beautiful party. Your children are lovely. Please extend my belated happy birthday wishes to your Princess Grace!


  24. Happy Happy Bday! And blessings for many more!

  25. What a lucky little girl! Beautiful party!

  26. Your mantel is gorgeous and the party looks fabulous. I love the ring idea - what a great tradition. Great party details - looks like fun!

  27. Wow...what an amazing family tradition you have for your children. I love the time, thought and care you put into making those milestone birthday's so special. Thanks for the inspiration.

  28. What a wonderful party for her 16th! I remember that one for my daughter too. Time flies by fast that's for sure!

  29. Anonymous17.3.10

    Tell Gracie "Happy Birthday to U cake"

    Wish we could have been there

    Love Grampa, (from Naples)

  30. What a great party. My oldest turns 16 in September and I am gearing up to do something similar. You have some great ideas - I like candle stand.

    Happy Birthday Gracie!

  31. What a sweet tradition! Your Grace is a beautiful girl. I love that she wanted a princess party. A nice break from some 16-year-old girls I've seen, who seem to want to be 26. It's nice to celebrate the way things should be--and can be, with love and grace!

  32. What a wonderful family tradition and the party looked like so much fun and so very sweet! I love her cake and all of the decorations you did!

    Kat :)

  33. It looks wonderful and like she had a wonderful day! I love that mirror in the background!

  34. That is the SWEETEST thing! We will have to do something like this for our girl!~almost made me cry!
    Beautiful party too!

  35. That is the SWEETEST thing! We will have to do something like this for our girl!~almost made me cry!
    Beautiful party too!

  36. What a lovely party, your decorations are just beautiful but they do not out shine your lovely daughter. What a wonderful tradition your family has, you can see the bond between all of you that the Lord has established between you.
    Thank you so much for linking up with my birthday party and made this day so special.

  37. The Parties thrown that have taken so much thought, creativity and resourcefulness are sure to be a cherished Memory forever! I like that you have a Family Tradition associated with a turning of age as well... Traditions become something looked forward to... and get passed along generation to generation. Happy Birthday to your precious Daughter and thank you for sharing her special Party! And I especially liked that she still believes she's a Princess... shouldn't they all, because truly they are to us!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  38. Happy Birthday to your Daughter! Such a sweet tradition, the giving of the promise ring. Wonderful decor. Have a wonderful holiday!

  39. This is the sweetest, most love filled Birthday party! Everything is so pretty and perfect! So happy to find you and stop by for a visit!

    Kindly, Lorraine


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