

Bedroom Sewing Frenzy

PSSSST...I'm no longer blogging here!
You can now find me at


Now then.  For my entry this week (and yes, I actually have one) I'm showing off what I've been sewing.  I spent hours and hours this weekend at the sewing maching, wearing spectacles, and wielding the seam ripper.  I've read and re-read all the ideas about my bedroom in the comments....thanks oodles and oodles, and feel free to give me more ideas!

I went ahead and reworked the bedskirt-turned-valances over my closets into one valance over the bed.  I wanted to do a PB knockoff tie up blind, but I didn't have enough fabric for that. I may still cover the blinds tucked up underneath with fabric to make a roman shade, but at this point, I'm calling the window done.

I had to split the second valance lengthwise, attach half to the top for a rod pocket, and the other half to add length at the bottom.  I put in a pleat to cover the seam, then hung the rod at ceiling height.
Also removed the head and footboard.  Can't believe the difference and visual space created!

Sewed up the two shams with my faded floral and finished the other ruffled pillowcase.
(Some had asked about this fabric...unfortunately it was on a flat-fold remnant table at Hancocks, and there's no identification on it.)
Had just enough left over for a throw pillow on my rattan chair.  The seat is simply a euro sham cover laying on top and tucked in the sides.

Switched this taller dresser from my cra(p)ft room with the shorter of the two antique dressers that was sitting by the bed.  I'm sure I'll tweak the accessories...just wanted to show ya the potential of this piece :)
I'm considering painting these deep turquoise with a brown glaze.  Have to live with it for a bit.

Moved the taller antique dresser next to the bed.  Still need stuff on the walls, and I'm hoping to find a rustic antique table for the other side to go with my chair.  Also have plans to froofify the lamps a bit.  I'm planning to set them up on some things they'll be more even.
(No, you don't see the neighbor's trash can out the window.  No, you don't.)
I also put my pale aqua quilt at the bottom of the bed instead of the striped (too small) blanket.
It's coming along.  Hubby and I priced bi-folds for the closets.  Not cost effective.  At this point I think I'm putting long panels at ceiling height.  Trying to decide weather to match the walls, the trim, or the duvet on the bed.  Decisions, decisions.

In other news, I cut up some vintage sheets I've had for awhile and made them into a window treatment for my cra(p)ft room.


I also organized all my fabric in the china hutch that was my hubby's gramma's piece. 

This was the bottom edge of one of the sheets.  The rest of it was used for the ruffled pillowcases on my bed.  Cotton muslin...made butter soft from years of laundering. Yummy.

This was the bottom of a second sheet.  If you look close, you can see stains and the area I had to stitch the crochet-work back on.  I realized too late I used ecru colored thread instead of white.  Ah well.




  1. Anonymous24.1.10

    Your house looks great, love the curtains/sheets.

  2. I'm tired just reading all you did! It looks great! Your bedroom has come far in just a few days. Love the changes so far.

  3. Wow! you have been busy! I so need to get my sewing stuff out and do a few projects that keep being Put on the the back burner!

  4. Wow! You have been busy. The changes in your bedroom really seem to have made it more of a "love" for you. You made good choices. I didn't get my project done for this week. Maybe next Monday?


  5. Thanks for another great linky party. Can't wait to see what else is linked up - there are some really creative people out there...


  6. (i will get my project done by tomorrow ... i will get my project done by tomorrow ... )

    BTW - your bedroom looks great!!! Love the dresser!

  7. You're bedroom's really looking great ~ I love the curtain idea! Linking up for the first time today. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Your craft room looks like such a peaceful place to create. I can't wait to get some work done on my office/work space, but it has to wait it's turn. Thanks for hosting this party. I always forget about it and miss it and then I'm sad. Glad I remembered it this week!

  9. Thanks for the compliment!

    You have been busy! Everything is gorgeous. Wonderful ideas. You are so talented. I'm wiping drool from my mouth just looking at everything. Love the vintage sheet/curtain... gorgeous!

  10. I love, love, love the window treatment for your craft room!! It looks like someone crocheted the embellishment on those sheets. You probably can't find that handcrafted look at a reasonable(sane) price. Gotta love it! I also like your re-do of the window over your bed. Don't you just love when a plan comes together.

  11. Terrific highlights! I love all of them and they're so inspiring. Your room is coming along beautifully. You have done so much work in such little time. When do you rest? I am so slow sometimes. Great job!

  12. Your room is looking beautiful Cindy! Thanks for hosting!

  13. Cindy,
    The room is looking awesome!!

    thanks for hosting


    barbara jean

  14. Your room looks fabulous. I love all the fabrics you brought cozy and comfy looking. The curtains for your craft room...ummm LOVE! They are gorgeous!! You did an amazing job...

  15. Loved last week's selections, especially the Junk bar :) And I also have to say how pretty your bedroom design looks, I love the fabrics. But my real favorites are not the pillows (what? how come?) but the curtains for your "work room". They make you wanna stay in that room forever...Which is a compliment, I hope you sense that! Lol
    Thanks for hosting, hugs, Erika

  16. WOW! Girl, you've certainly got your groove going on! I feel like slug in comparison......

  17. It looks wonderful! I don't know why you didn't like it. I wish my bedroom looked as good as yours. I only have a week to finish it and so much to do yet!

  18. Maddie25.1.10

    I'm loving the dresser/shelf/mirror combo at the foot of your bed! Even Josh was impressed that the mirror fit so perfectly beneath the shelf...

    Hey, no pressure or anything, but I'm getting antsy for you to start a bathroom sometime soon. I LOVE what you do with bathrooms mommy. Remember the bead-board miracle you did in the blue cape-cod house? Just a little nudge ;-)


  19. I love all of your curtains! And the ruffle pillow cases are just SO pretty! Looking forward to checking out everyone else's links!

  20. Thanks for posting the bedroom!!!
    Love your linky party...thanks!

  21. I am so glad that you linked to the PB pillows, I saw them in the store last week and loved them (but did not love the price). I will link up once I get my little girl kitchen photos uploaded! :D

  22. Very pretty.... Those were sheets ?! The lace is beautiful.

  23. Cindy, it looks great - all your work is paying off. I love what you are doing!


  24. I'm lovin' your ruffle pillowcases...and the faded floral pillows are perfect.

  25. Thank you so much, Cindy, for adding the Pooh door to your weekly favs. It's the 1st time I've been featured! Yay! I get to add your button to my blog!

  26. Maddie25.1.10

    BTW, I'm now crushing on your crush. That guest house is perfect! I think I could get Josh to go for the taupe and black with white accents. He likes the chocolate brown in our living room now, and it helped him get over the fact that I LOVE our white bookcases and wall shelves (some day he'll appreciate white painted furniture). I can't wait until I can decorate a kitchen. Apartment kitchens are so sterile.

    Okay I'm really done commenting on this post now. Bye.

  27. It looks so good!! I love your new valance and I really love the ruffled pillow cases!!

  28. I KNEW whatever you did would look unreal gorgeous and it does!! I love everything you did!

    Still LOVE those ruffled pillow cases!! ALOT!!

    Lou Cinda

  29. It looks fantastic~!!!! I LURVE those shams! You are going to have to share on the 13th!

  30. It looks so pretty and peaceful, Cindy. I especially like the vintage linens. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for some vintage linens of my own. Thanks for the inspiration. I linked up to the party.

  31. Hi. I just came over from Tidy Mom. I've been looking for some new parties to link up to. This looks like a good one. I'll be sure to stop by with a link next week. Thanks for hosting!

  32. That fabric is pretty, no wonder you get asked about it.

  33. Great party and projects! You are so talented. I did NOT see a blue trash can! ;) Have a great evening!

  34. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for featuring my hutch! I am in love with your blog, and will continue being a religious follower! You are the best! I will, for sure add your button!

    Thanks Again, Hanna @ Drab to Fab

  35. Great post! I'm linking right now!

    Hey, I'm hosting a weekly party on Tuesdays starting Feb 2nd (next week) on timeless classics (interior design, fashion, entertaining...) ~ check this post out for the details.

    I'm looking forward to having you and your readers there there!

    Paula Grace ~

  36. Oh phooey, the link is closed :(
    Paula Grace ~

  37. Thanks for featuring my little update! Love your parties!

  38. Anonymous12.9.10

    Just questioning if eBay permits you to market [url=]concert tickets[/url] on the web? Do you know if you can find any restrictions depending on what country you are in?

    My parents have just referred to as me and asked if i could "get rid" of their two tickets to a concert as they wont have the ability to make it due to yet another family event.

    Apart from asking buddies etc, i thought ebay would be a fantastic location to sell them.

    But whats ebay's policy on selling tickets? Ive heard alot about it around the news but ive forgotten what happened.

    and if it matters, the concert is inside this coming month

    Thanks ahead of time for your advice.


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