

Won't this be fun?

A girl after my own heart, Melissa over at The Inspired Room is hosting a terrific party for those of us who tend to plan projects more than actually following thru with them.  Ready?

This will be fabulous.  And I can feel the love already!  All us putter-offers will be simultaneously send 'finish that d*mn thing* vibes to each other so we can get all googly eyed when it's over looking at all the done deeds.  I'm so into this.
Here is exhibit A, the buffet (henceforth pronounced BOO-FAY, cause this gal is going to be a little frenchy when we're thru) I posted about here.

I'm pretty stoked.  'Course it doesn't take much to get a mother of 6 (plus 2 kid-in-laws) to get excited.

So...take a deep breath, go sign up at Melissa's and let's get 'r done.  Alrighty, then.

(Don't forget about my giveaway....go find out about it HERE)


  1. Hi Cindy! Good for you (all)! I'm still trying to decide if I have the time to join in. Oh yes, I am the queen of procrastinating, but this is a ca-razy month. So, I may have to wait until next time to join in. I can't wait to see your beau-T-ful boofay! :)

    Off to check out more of your site and that giveaway! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by to see me today too and for your sweet comment!


  2. I can't wait to see what you do with it! I love buffets and you boo-fay is a real looker. I just updated my cork board post to answer your questions. But, to save you time, I'll just tell you. I let the stain sit in overnight before I applied the second coat. Then allow the second coat to sink in and dry. You don't wipe it off. Hope that answers your questions! Make sure you show me how your cork project turns out!

  3. I totally need a Procrastination Party, but who will watch my kids? :)

    Can't wait to see your boo-fay. That's what I call mine now that it's painted and purty. Should have done it sooner!

  4. Hi Cindy,
    That boo-fay looks great already, can't wait to see the finished project.
    Can I put off joining the procrastinators party till the 20th? ha ha. But, really, you should see my list....
    I've included your site and giveaway on my latest Outdoor Wednesday post, hpoe you'll get a lot of traffic! Also hope I win :) !! Stop by sometime.
    Heidi -Heart and Home

  5. I love the buffet, you will get so much use out of it. I also can't wait to see what you do with it....I'll be back

  6. Hi Cindy...

    Ohh...your buffet will be "frenchy" fabulous! Wishing you the best with it...have fun, my friend! This piece reminds me so much of the buffet that I have in my dining looked just about like this before I gave it a makeover! It's one of my favorite pieces of furniture now! Can't wait to see what you do with excited for you!!!

    Well my friend, just wanted to take this time to say thank you for adding Happy To Design to your list of blog follows...I'm just thrilled to have you!!! I'm adding your blog to my list also and I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts and getting to know you! I was looking down through some of your posts...I love your style!!!

    So very nice to meet you, Cindy!
    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  7. I love it! But what's not to love about a furniture redo?? Cannot wait to see what you have planned for the buffet!
    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!

  8. Good project! Best wishes on it! Hopefully we'll all finish on time and in good order and can show off our stuff! I'll come back and see how you did!
    Jayne at mysongwithin

  9. Oh, I cannot wait to see what you do with it!!! :-)


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