

Oh my!

I forgot to mention that a new reader, Annie of Birdcages and Butterflies, gave me the 'Splash Award' which is given to "alluring, amusing, inspiring, bewitching, and impressive blogs" Cool, eh?  Hadn't heard of this one.

Suggested rules are:

1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs.
3. Let your nominees know they've won.
4. Link back to the person who gave it to you.

So, I'm gonna pass this along to these ultrafab bloggy gals because they got it goin' on!
Monica the Happy Nester because she was one of my first followers and she posts great stuff.
Maggie of The White Farmhouse because she's wicked funny and her comments make my day.
Kelly is Inspired just cracks me up too, and has a great taste in decorating

Congrats girls! 


  1. Congrats on your award! Thanks for your comments on the laundry closet. It took me a few years to figure out what would finally work for us and this workd great. It makes me feel better about doing laundry when I open the doors.

  2. Oh my! I'd like to thank the academy... Oops wrong speech. Aw shucks, thank you for giving me this award. Now I gotta run and tell everyone!

  3. Thank You MY DEAR!!!!
    I will be posting on the tomorrow when I get an extra minute!!!!


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