

I'm almost famous.

Fired up the 'ole PC this mornin' and discovered that the author of one of my new favorite blogs Donna of Funky Junk Interiors decided to feature my widdle blog!  Talk about feelin' the love.  This gal has taste that doesn't stop, wit that slays me, and a flippin' awesome blog to boot.  You must. go. see. her.  She had a fantabulous project featured on the DIY Show Off  ('nother fave of mine) and thought it'd be nice to  spread the love around.  I'm all warm and glow-y inside now.

Funky Junk Interiors

I was thinking last week sometime as I keep discovering new deco sistahs that I'd like to feature some blogs myself....especially those that fit my style, inspire me, and send me money   are nice enough to leave me comments. *ahem, cough, hint* 

So, I think I'm gonna halfta learn to make a button (again), and once a week feature some ridiculously talented blogger who rocks my world.  It's so fun to spread the love!

Don't forget TOMORROW I'll be drawing a name for the winner of my first ever in the world giveaway.  If you haven't blogged about it yet, please do!  I'll check everyone's comments tonight and put yer names in one of my vintage baskets tomorrow night and see who pops out.  

Thanks again to Donna.....if you head her direction, tell her I sent cha :o)


  1. Congrats...what a nice feature she did on you. Hope you have a nice week.

  2. Ah Cindy... but you are too kind! You deserved the exposure.

    Yeah.. I have to get on those blog tips that I feature now and then. A how-to on a blog button was high on my list. Shall I since you need a refresher course perhaps? Ok, I will. Next week sometime. Just for you!

    Aaaaand.... I'm glad I saw my button on your background. Not so good. Now I see why most are boxed in. But knowing me, I'll find a way to make that background transparent yet.. hmmm... no worries. I'll be making a new blog button soon for darker backgrounds. See? You HELPED me. Thanks!

    Funky Junk Donna

  3. P.S. The lady in the birdcage is freakin' me out. Just in time for Hallowe'en, yes?

    FJ Donna

  4. I saw that post this morning. It is nice to be recognized. I just hope you don't get so famous you forget us unfamous ones!

  5. Good for you! You do have a gorgeous blog and I am glad that it is being noticed. Enjoy! and I hope you get more attention at your blog. :)

  6. Congratulations! I loved the post she did on you and your blog...and the beautiful photos showcased!

  7. I'm a fairly new blogger and as soon as I saw your blog I knew I had to follow you!

    You really do take great pictures...and your ideas are pretty good too ;)


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