

Frugalicious Friday featured me!

The sheer number of creative gals and their blogs is astounding to me.  I find new ones everyday, making my subscription/follower feed rather crowded most days...I love it!
Anyway, I linked up this week over at Jane's place Finding Fabulous for her tremendously fun Frugalicious Friday, and she featured my cork boards, which have now circled the planet because I linked to so many blogs this past week.  I'm eager, ok?

So thank you Jane for a great linky party and for honoring me on your fantabulous blog. :o)  This Friday, link up over there and do some braggin' on the thrifty DIY stuff you've been banging out.  We all love a party, eh?


  1. Congratulations on being featured! Such a nice tribute! Enjoy!!!

  2. congrats on being featured!! I agree there are so many amazing blogs out there...and so little time! thanks for stopping by and saying hi! happy Tuesday!

  3. Anonymous14.10.09

    Wow how fun to be featured!!


  4. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and suggesting that I visit your wedding post!! Wow, How Beautiful! The talent in your family is amazing, all of you are so gifted! I am so excited about my daughters wedding and adding my own personal touches, my head is swimming or at times drowning in ideas! LOL
    Love your blog!


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