

::Christmas Kitchen::

I teased you with this pretty little aqua and red vintagey vignette in my last post.

It actually sits behind my big corner of my favorite things about our new house!

Some white bottle brush trees, epsom salt and red jingle bells nestled inbetween dollar store white poinsettas.

Looking the other direction toward our dining area.  Yes, that Ethan Allen piece will be painted. 
 The dining set will not.

Ornaments from Hob Lob last year.

Same stockings from last year, but I thought they'd look fun on the stairway instead of the mantel.

I took a bazillion pics, but it's raining out, and my daughter has my tripod, so everything came out blurry.
These were the only salvageable ones.  I asked Santa for a new tripod, so hopefully my camera skillz will improve!

Shopping is almost done, and I'm getting stuff wrapped around boxes and such.  Hope you're enjoying these last busy days before Santa arrives :)


::New House Christmasfication::

Well, we're moved.  Mostly.

Still have the cra(p)ft room to move over from the house next door, and some boxes 'o crap in the garage, but basically, we're moved and getting settled.  Mostly.

There's no curtains up, and I've lost my underwear, but by golly, the mantel is Christmasfied.

I only like (rein)deer at Christmastime.....the other trendy deer head thing creeps me out on the same scale as the Elf dude clogging up my Pinterest feed.  No offense if that's your thing.

We didn't do a real tree for the first time in years and years and years....

...with just 10 days till Christmas we went with my cheesy, white Walmart tree.....which is dwarfed by my new great room, but it's good enough this year.

Found myself using lots of red stuff this year.  Most of it I already had on hand, although some sah-weet vintage-type ornaments and red mercury glass candleholders found themselves in my cart here and there.

What I don't show you in this room is the lack of a couch, mismatched furniture that I will soon be painting now that I've finished up custom orders for the year, and a plethora of boxes yet to be unpacked. get snippets for now.   I'll get some pics of the festification of the kitchen soon.  Here's a sneaky-peeky:

Back to unpacking.  If you find my underwear, give me a shout.

Sharing at Cozy Little House, A Stroll Thru Life, Mod Vintage Life, Coastal Charm, Nesting Place,


::Need a Little Christmas::

Went next door to add a bit of Christmas cheer to the empty house.  I'm so beyond frustrated with our builder, I've spent the better part of 2 hours composing a scathing letter, engaging all my powers of wit at sarcasm to rail against the stupidity of it all.

And I'm a truth-teller.  I must speak truth.  When this whole mess is over, and I'm finally moved, I will write a whole series of posts about what to beware of when building a house.  I wouldn't wish this journey on any bright-eyed, bushy-tailed blogger/designer.

I flatter myself in letting them know in these ranty letter that I have a huge local following and wield much power in encouraging or discouraging their future customers via social media outlets like this blog and facebook.  It's the only card I hold at this point.  May not be an ace, but it's all I got.

Hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.  I tried to be thankful I've not spent the last 9 months in an apartment.  I tried to be thankful my grandbabies will live next door.  I tried to not eat an entire pumpkin pie.

Didn't have much success with that last item there.